EmJay Love
Category: Michael Jackson | 15 Comments | Posted 16:09So was doing that WYBT thing again last night and lay in bed listening to the most wonderful music in the whole world and it hit me again
1. how fucking amazing Michael Jackson really is
2. how damn lucky I am to have him in my life and to be able to enjoy his music and his presence and his influence
3. how he really is almost Godlike to me in many ways
4. how almost all of what I have now - friends especially - I have thanks to him
5. how there will never be anything that surpasses WYBT and how I am convinced that in 200yrs they will still appreciate his music the way my Wolfgang's still is today
Ja. All these things. And then today I came online and lo and behold, both Dee and Kal have done an MJ love entry too. How spooky.
there's gotta be some kind of spell hidden somewhere in MJ's songs.(!!!) Everytime I put on his music and ends up in that Michael Jackson world Im so familiar with, I get totally obsessed.
He's so god damn amazing in so many ways...
It's like a love and hate releationship. I love him and hate him at the same time for letting me feel this way...lol
Posted by: tris at Wed May 12, 2004 16:16As you have said in the original WYBT thread, this song is pure perfection and so is the whole album. This was MJ at his peak and I pity all of these people who never got past Thriller cause they didn't like the shape of his nose. LOL
Posted by: Anne at Wed May 12, 2004 16:54LMAO @ the MJ entery. that is very spooky. I wrote mine very early this morning because I just felt like it!
love you cee
did you answer my Q regarding the boz size? it was in the delted entery!
Posted by: Kal at Wed May 12, 2004 20:34Off topic: Clarissa, have you heard from Sara? She didnt update her site for a whole moth, and didnt reply to our comments, and then the site went offline. Where did she go? Maybe Squizz knows?
Posted by: Vega at Wed May 12, 2004 22:44No we have no idea where she is.
Considered mailing (or phoning muahaha) but not got round to it yet.
We shall call her next week. Well Clarissa shall call and I'll just sorta . . . listen.
Ja, she's gonna be lika a gazillion times more scared than you! lol
Posted by: squiZZ at Thu May 13, 2004 14:45