Tuesday May 11, 2004
I suck II
Category: Me about me | 10 Comments | Posted 23:28How can you feel something and know it is complete rubbish yet you can't help feeling it all the same? Is there some sort of communication block between... er, the emotions part of the brain and the reason part?
I wish I got myself. It was all so simple when I was 12. Anyway I've decided I'm on another 12hr Will You Be There marathon. Seems to me it's a safe place to be. Nice and familiar.
Why not have a 12 hour Torture marathon (the song not the act) instead of WYBT!!!!
Hee hee!
In fact! Clarissa could finish disertation (and squiZZ his essay) or face a 12 hour Torture-athon!!!
Am I klevar or wot?