Sunday May 9, 2004
The Difference
Category: Life & Me | 9 Comments | Posted 16:48Some days I decide I won't bother with my dissertation, so I just hang around being lazy and that's cool.
And some days like today I resolve to do lots of work on it, but I still hang around being lazy, with the sole difference that I feel guilty about it.
i know exactly what you mean
let us all relate and rant about this now.
I SOOOOOOOOOOOOo much having the same problem. I should have written 15 pages (by Wedensday) but right now Im too lazy.
As Miriam has said in the last decade or smt; (!!!update???!!) Why is it so difficult to get started?
Ja, why is it so difficult to get started... and to keep going... and to finish
LOL @ last decade. Update indeed.
You weren't completely lazy.
You, um, made Fisherman's Pie.
Posted by: The BML at Sun May 9, 2004 18:32