Category: Me about me | 9 Comments | Posted 15:25So here's that entry I was gonna do last night. I thought it would be interesting to do an inventory of my life. Positive and negative aspects... see where I stand and stuff.

Reminds me of the one I did. I guess it's just about focusing on the positive and all that. Not that that's easy or anything. But um, yeah. Putting it down in black & white is always rather depressing...
Ja indeed, you steal books?
you could have made the positive list longer if you had wanted to. work as a checkout operator, which you hate obviously, but at least you have a job.
And if there are "quite a few things" you'd want to change about you apperance, there seems to be at least some things you are pleased with.
And kind of seems to me that most (not all) of the things you've listed as positive are bigger things than the negative ones.
And you have "rather little money". You have more money than most other people I know. You live exactly where you want to live, you travel a lot, you have a nice computer and broadband (I'm mentioning because it's important to you), you have a car, and you only work 3 days a week?!
Hmm so ja, I know this is your list, but I don't think other people see your life as so extremely bad or negative.
(Btw if your degree is of no use anyway what's the point with the dissertation? (Or does that not have anything to do with that? ).)
Aye @ BML, but as I said, I thought it would turn out better than this
LOL @ people thinking I steal books. No I steal music my dears!
Cute Mon trying to list more good things.
Ja I have a job but could it be any worse?!
LOL @ money. I have less than I have ever had and been used to, and that's scary. I don't know how long my savings will have to last me and that's even scarier.
Er the point with the dissertation is... that I have already put so much money and time into it and it would give me something at least... and I didn't mean the MA anyway, I meant the BA.
Posted by: Clarissa at Sat May 8, 2004 22:19I have to agree with Monica that your positives outweigh your negatives.
You have many things going in your favor.
1. You are a very good friend.
2. You are very smart.
3. You know how to spell
4. You are young and you are healthy.
5. Yes. You live exactly where you want to be.
6. You are cute! I love Shakespeare with the Oreo Cookies.
7. You are nice.
I'm sure there are lots of other things too, but I don't know you that well yet.
I think that most of the negative things you can make better or manage. There's nothing wrong with being a checkout operator. Most likely you will not be one forever, but just because you are one doesn't make you more or less of a person or anything....Having your degree means something. I'm pretty sure you will be able to put it to use when you decide what you want to do with it.....I'm sorry you might have to sell your horse.
I could go on and on, but I think you are a great friend with lots of positives. Everyone has things they wish they could change, but mostly you are doing pretty well.
In my opinion.
Ah well I guess that's you told then.
Look people, we LIKE being negative, ok?!
Posted by: The BML at Sun May 9, 2004 13:02Ok sorry.