Saturday May 8, 2004
Fucking hell
Category: Me about me | 3 Comments | Posted 1:22Talk about a quick mood shift!
I was feeling fiiine, was gonna do a long diary entry... then made the mistake of digging out something that I really should have left alone, and now I feel all weird and all wrong.
All wrong. And I don't even really know why. I couldn't put it into words (which is why I'm not), it's just a feeling of... wrongness. How strange. It's late, I think I will go to bed.
(This has got to be the most pointless entry ever. But I felt I had to write something tonight.)
pointless or not, you really made me curious,)
hopeing you're feeling better in the morning *hugs*
Posted by: tris at Sat May 8, 2004 1:41