My latest obsession and other stuff
Category: Randomness | 13 Comments | Posted 2:40LAUNCHcast is bad, LAUNCHcast is evil, LAUNCHcast is the work of the devil and LAUNCHcast will be my downfall. Ja so LAUNCHcast is my latest obsession, and they took it from me the bastards, and I had numerous horrifying withdrawal symptoms all afternoon. Then I found I could listen to squiZZstation at least by using a different Yahoo ID... but tho squiZZstation is quite good my own is of course much better, so withdrawal symptoms were increasing manifold. So with the help of squiZZ and his cheating ways I subscribed to LAUNCHcast (which is available only in US and Canada apparently) and now I'm back in business, woohoo, and have wasted quite a few hours rating and customizing.
In other news... I've been planning to write a serious "opinionated" entry all day, but wasn't quite sure about what, so asked anyone that came my way, but it's still pretty much undecided, so feel free to cast your vote... the options are as follows:
1. EU (following up on the recent Europhiliac entry)
2. love (non-existence of)
3. smileys (and communication problems)
4. torture (sadism, cynicism and hypocrisy)
Ja that's it. Yet again I've wasted a day doing next to nothing. How nice.
Ohh almighty squiZZ.
>>the options are as follows..
We are still at this? I expected an entry.
I LOVES the topic of sadism- we all are sadistic - but we don't know it. some think of it as cutting or major self - destruction but in reality, every time you do something to yourself that you know is bad for you (smoking a fag, drinking too much, skipping work, procrastinating) it is a form of sadism. just a thought.
and let me just say Clarissa, that I love you SOO much. your site is the first thing i visit in the morning and the Last before i go to bed (and Aly of course) but I am obsessed with YOU- don't ask, but the fan club is now in progress. your pics in the new logo are drool worthy.
kyooot suga bun
and yes- the "Clarissa, I told you so" was about being soul mates
and me loves me soul mate
foreva and eva and eva!
EU. since Im from Norway and never seems to be a part of it. Tell me how it is living in a country that is a member of EU. Is it nice eh?
Fanclub? Where to subscribe?
Posted by: tris at Wed May 5, 2004 9:29TORTURE!!!!
(I'm assuming you ARE talking about that godawful Jacksons song? Ja?)
Posted by: Mel at Wed May 5, 2004 10:19Mel- how dare you!!! grrrrrrrrr
as a kid, I used to rewined the MJ part (in torture) over and over and over. his voice sounded unworldly to me back then, in that song. still is!
Posted by: Kal at Wed May 5, 2004 11:00that song is attrocious!
>>>>the options are as follows..
>>We are still at this? I expected an entry.
Me too
>> Ohh almighty squiZZ.
>> We are still at this?
@ Kal, were you drunk dear?
And I think you meant masochism.
And no I didn't mean the song. OK so will write about torture and/or EU. (at some point, hehehe)
Aye! TORTURE!!! *evil*
Or you could write about how lovely Lovely Kal is! Methinks the Citz should adopt him!
Melker! Have you taken to surfing the Web from work?
Hmmm @ adopting Kal
Ja.. I have! Shouldn't tho' because they monitor our usage! Eeeeek! But me need some light relief!
BTW: If you have a whole day with nothing to do, could you help me out? I need to find a job, clean my room (and whole flat), burn a couple of CDs, update my shitty website, learning as much Portuguese vocab/grammar as possible, learn how to play the guitar & piano, make a LOT of extra money, and have a wee!
Posted by: Mel at Wed May 5, 2004 14:18EU is boring.