New Smileys & Launchcast tragedy
Category: Updates | 6 Comments | Posted 13:36Right, so first off, as already mentioned, with the new Yahoo messenger came new smileys (and many of the old ones have changed, some for the better, some for the worse). So I had to update my own smileys as well of course. We now have 8 new smileys at our disposal:

Ja and then the shocking LAUNCHcast revelation earlier today! I was happily listening to my station, then all of a sudden - silence!
So I check what's wrong and I get this: "you have listened to over 400 songs this month. for the rest of the month your free service will be reduced"
How dare they!?! The limitations are: no more skipping, no customized radio and only low quality. So that's the end of that eh - esp. considering it's only the 4th of the month! And I only started using it on the 2nd!
Yeah so since I'm addicted now (the bastards) and finding my Winamp playlist extremely unsatisfying, I might have to subscribe at "only" $2.99 a month.
"(but I won't post it to spare some people)." I'm very grateful! But I think the new 'crazy' one might be even worse. I seriously can't handle it!!
I heart Launchcast radio
Cute Looooo smiley
Hehehehehehe @ crazy one.
And @ Launchcast
*withdrawal symptoms *
clarisaa darling! your yahoo addictiion is getting out of hand- I want to get yahooed as well- but it will seem like am copying your site. so maybe not.