Saturday May 1, 2004
Me me me...
Category: Opinionated | 6 Comments | Posted 0:46I feel. I have feelings.
Maybe they don't matter much, maybe they are secondary to other people's feelings because of the way things are and the way I have chosen things.
But they're real enough to me.
Fuck you. You you you.
Must you know everything dear Kal?
If I wanted to reveal the name of the person I would have done so in the entry.
She's talking about me. Isn't is obvious, look at all the hints!?
"Me me me" = M (m) (m)
"Fuck you. You you you." = o (o) (o) (o)
"chosen" = n
"I feel. I have feelings." = I
"secondary" = c
"are", "and", "way" & "real" = a