Category: Life & Me | 11 Comments | Posted 21:43Is it me you're looking for?
*ahem* Ja so I thought I'd do an entry so the depressing one is not on top anymore, tho I don't really have much to say. I still hate my dissertation - done some reading today and realised most of the material I got from uni last week (and spent a fortune on for petrol/copies etc) is crap so I'm still stuck at some 7,000 words with not much hope of getting near 20,000 any time soon.
Yeah cuz basically I really wanna finish this shit so I can move on. I have until the end of August now but first off I don't have enough money to last me that long, and secondly I really really hate my job and need to quit as soon as possible - and obviously I can only do that once I'm done with the dissertation so I can get a proper full time job (not that I'm particularly looking forward to that either).
I still hate my hair too - went to Boots this morning and considered buying hair dye... I often dye my hair when I'm depressed or frustrated, it helps to make me feel better about myself. I'd found a nice dark red one & put it in my basket... and then changed my mind, not entirely sure why. I think it had something to do with not being sure if I wanna go back to red, or if I wanna stay dark and gothic for another while. Whatever the case, I will need to do sth about it soon as I have an alarming amount of grey among my brown/purple. And I'm only 26...
Speaking of which, I bought my first anti-ageing creme the other day. I remember a few years ago Lady Nour told me it was never too early to start fighting wrinkles. It's only a cheap one from Lidl (maybe it does more harm than good) but I thought I would give it a try anyway. Goes well with the grey hair after all.
I bought three new books this morning as well - I can never resist 3 for 2 offers, however broke I am. Am quite chuffed about having new reading material, tho it will only distract me from my dissertation I guess. But reading is good. I also bought another one of them 3-day-detox things cuz I thought it was about time again. Started straight away and quit again this afternoon cuz I had the feeling it wasn't doing my stomach any good - so that's £13.50 completely wasted (yes they're that expensive) - didn't exactly lift my spirits, that.
Hm yeah, so here's another not-very-happy entry at the top. Maybe it's PMT or something. It can't be the weather after all - that at least isn't letting me down at the moment.
PS Oh, I also hate my layout.
I hate my hair too if it makes you feel any better.
Oh and did I tell you Lidl is coming to Norway soon too? How exciting! lol
Hehe no you didn't but daniel has already informed me about that.
Why do you hate your hair, your hair is gorgeous!
Hey hey hey!
Hmmm. I can relate to the hair thing. I take all this stuff to keep it and if I do lose it I would have someone work on it. You handle your hair situation a lot better than me. If that makes you feel better (that's a jar jar )
You'll finish your dissertation and find a good job. All jobs are difficult to some degree even when you find a really good one. The good thing is you will be able to be challenged and make a lot more money. Maybe you can go on a trip to New Zealand or something.
Have a nice time with your books.
I like the Lionel Richie reference!
You have a lot of things going for you and I like you a lot.
bye bye.
Posted by: jimmy at Wed April 28, 2004 2:30"I take all this stuff to keep it and if I do lose it I would have someone work on it."
I love your new layout
but i hate the rumors that says i'll be waken up at 3am tonight and be forced out to run in the forest.
urm...ja just had to say that
Where did simply go?
Posted by: d at Wed April 28, 2004 20:14Running in the forest at night!?
I hate the 'new' (really old slightly changed) layout already.
Simply down cuz EZboard sucks.
oh... it already is down
annoying the ezboard is down. Then you realize how addicted you are to it. *what a pain that is*
loving the layout as well.
Nice pictures too