Here comes the summer sun...
Category: Life & Me | 11 Comments | Posted 23:46
What a beautiful sunny day it is!

I think I shall go down to the beach

Read a good book for a few hours...

... damn that April sun is stronger than I thought.

You really are very red!
it was hot here today too, but not that hot! I wanna feel the sun on my skin too, like really feel it.
yay summer
Where's the sand? All i see is pebbles...
Remember when I asked if you ever apply sunscreen??.....and you said the sun wasn't hot enough??....Hmmm....
BTW: You haven't blogged about going to the AK concert in June and staying with the LOVELY Mel & Kat!
I said that conquest?
Ahem. I can't have meant it. I usually do put sunblock on - like in the summer and stuff.
And, er, Brighton has a pebble beach. So no sand.
Aaaah you're right Mel. I will. (tho they all know already anyway cuz I been telling everyone
One can't really figure what body part you're showing there I suppose it's your back though...