Wednesday April 14, 2004
I didn't think you would have. It's cheapy chocolate from our Lidl here (German store). Is very yummy tho.
I thought you said one shouldn't buy anything at the Lidl place?
Lidl is EEEEVIL!
or so I hear
they are trying to invade norway
They are???
But that's good!
So you can buy the yummy Schogetten too!
is ok tho. we're used to germans invading us.
but they'll never succeed, cause we have REMA 1000!
You have what!?
Ah be cheapy store too?
Shush squiZZ.
Posted by: Clarissa at Thu April 15, 2004 14:24I have bought chocolate at Lidl before and I know that particular brand. hehe. I love the one with strawberry and yoghurt.
Posted by: Anne at Thu April 15, 2004 17:51that is yummy!! we have that choclate here too but it has an other name ;)
Posted by: Dudie at Thu April 15, 2004 21:16