Google my Google
Category: The Web | 5 Comments | Posted 14:02You might have heard that Google are planning to start a Webmail service which offers a whopping 1GB storage space. The service will pay for itself by displaying relevant text ads based on terms it gleans from your emails.
Now when I first read about this I was sure a lot of people would start whingeing about privacy issues right away. I checked a few news sources but none of them seemed to have any concerns, they all focused on the competition issue (Yahoo and Hotmail obviously - did you know Yahoo has loads more users than Hotmail?).
Aaanyway. They've finally woken up - the privacy whingers I mean. And it's in the news too of course. Ja. I admit they have a point. But I still love my Google.
In my experience, Yahoo is a lot better than Hotmail (and it offers much more free space).
Posted by: Sanja at Sat April 10, 2004 15:33I just visited and they're not too positive about google... Gmail sounds extremely promising though.
Posted by: Evelien at Sat April 10, 2004 16:23No wasn't
I like Yahoo a lot better too.
And yeah I know not everyone likes Google.
Well I do.
Tho Inktomi Slurp is much cuter of course
I prefer dwolp-mail
@ inktomi slurp