See you at the bitter end
Category: Randomness | 3 Comments | Posted 19:23God, with my whole healthy liver-saving diet I'd completely forgotten how fun it is to get drunk! And, above all, to get drunk with crazy lovely insane cute sexy fun squiZZ!!!!!!
Ja so we're getting drunk... not done much else today... got up really late cuz I insisted on staying in bed as long as poss (it's WARM there!)... then went into town for some more shopping... then came home, went online and started drinking. Which is where we are now.
Pizza soon. Placebo music too. Not soon but (<--- the space bar is stuck and sooooooooooo cuuuuuuuuuuuuute!) now - Sleeping With Ghosts. Very sexy album. You should all buy.
So sometime soon we're all gonna meet up somewhere. Either in Glasgow or Norway or Brighton. Ja. Including a daniel and a Lo. That's all.
OK. Am being fed now so byeeee.
We luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurve a Mon.
Esp. this one!
Which happens to be ours.
Thank God.
I [HEART] "This Picture :) :) :)
was funt talkign last night Clarissa, hope we can doi it again :)
Posted by: Kal at Thu April 8, 2004 1:55