I fucking hate them all!!!
Category: Rants & Raves | 11 Comments | Posted 20:35OK 4 days of checkouts in a row is definitely too much. I hate customers, hate hate hate!!
Each and every single one of them!! The ones that take ages packing their stuff, or finding their money, the ones that can't open the fucking carrier bags even tho it's so damn simple, the ones that give me a sodding £20 note when they bought stuff for £3.20, forcing me to give them one of my precious £5 notes. The ones that buy shitloads of reduced Whoops items - mean bastards!
The ones that come trickling to my till, disturbing me in my peace as soon as I think I've got a minute to myself, and the ones that come rushing all in one go, creating long queues, then getting annoyed when they have to wait a while!
I hate the men, I hate the women (and God do I hate the kids!), I hate the white ones and the black ones, the old ones and the young ones. The ones that dare to disturb me with their one bloody item, and the ones that annoy me by unloading their whole fortnightly (or monthly!?) shopping on me!
It got sooooo hard towards the end to smile at them and say "hello, thank you, good bye" when all I wanted to do was scream "you fucking punk with your crappy shopping, stay away from my till and leave me the hell alone! I don't even want to breathe the same air as you, let alone serve you and be nice to you!!!!
Yeah so 4 days of work in a row is decidedly too much.
i hate being a cashier as much as you do. Couple of years ago I worked in a big supermarket at the checkouts for a summerjob and it was HELL, I tell you. Never again, never!
Posted by: Evelien at Mon April 5, 2004 21:23poor poor wam. i guess, your job gotta be the one of the few jobs that are worser than mine. Luckily I don't see those people, so I CAN actually tell 'em to go f*uck themselfes, after I have hung up
my dear, dear soul mate. I came home thinking I am going to write a an entery about my job.. i wont disclose too much- your gonna have to read it on my site!
Does that make you a clientelephobe? Or maybe a tillophobe?
Do you get to call 'Price-Check'?
Tris I don't usually hate my job that much. And I definitely prefer it to telesales
Craig am not phobe since not afraid. Am hater. not sure what I'd be called
LOL @ Kal, your entry was very funny.
Posted by: Wam at Tue April 6, 2004 17:55 Poor thing. I WOULD come along & cheer you up, but not allowed
Aaawwwww @ BML Me!!
ARE allowed! Just not allowed to be served by me
And @ Anne
Sorry, is sooooo easy!