Stupid Americans
Category: Rants & Raves | 3 Comments | Posted 11:40You (may) know how I like to get worked up about stupid Americans (and other stupid people) who like to sue company's arses off because they were too stupid to use their products properly (you know what I mean - the "spilling hot coffee over yourself & suing McDonald's" kind).
Well in that context I'd like to point you in the direction of M-LAW, "a non-profit organization working to increase public awareness of how the explosion in litigation is hurting America. M-LAW is dedicated to restoring common sense and personal responsibility to the courts." Big Woo Yay to them! For a good laugh (and slight exasperation), read their Wacky Warning Labels and their Loony Lawsuits pages.
BTW, this layout is MUCH better than the black one before...
Posted by: Suha at Mon April 5, 2004 13:35 God. Some people are insane...
Although I do like the idea of spilling coffee on myself and getting money for it