Yet again - Update for Lo
Category: Mon & Lo updates | 11 Comments | Posted 21:03Maybe I should have 2 more Categories on this thing: "for Mon" updates and and "for Lo" updates. So this one's for Lo.
This Bounty I'm having tastes kinda strange. Definitely not normal. Maybe someone's trying to blackmail Coop and has poisoned random chocolate bars. So now I'm gonna die. Anyone want the rest of it? Apparently I'm gonna die anyway cuz I eat so much junk food. I had something like 800 calories in 15mins earlier. I had a craving. Um yeah.
I'm so bored. I'm bored all the time. When I'm at work I'm bored and want nothing more than being at home in front of my PC. Then I come home and go online and I'm even boreder. Is there no treatment against boredom? My dissertation bores me too but I like this sentence: "It would be tedious to start listing the countless ‘icons’ of popular culture exported from America (in inverted commas to create ironic distance, as befits the critical Western mind) – names such as Disney, McDonald’s or the ubiquitous Coca-Cola that have become the emblem of America’s hegemony over world economy and world civilization." Most of the rest of it I hate though. I must also email Piotr about another extension. *scared*
Well anyway. 7.5hrs work again tomorrow - hooray (so not)! But then it will finally be Tuesday and I will (get up at 4.30, ugh, and) be off to the grim North where supermarkets are really open 24hrs (even on Sunday!) and where resides a rather cute Pet® who denies being a Pet® but is one anyway. Yay! So no updates for a while maybe.
@ everyone hidning in Scotland. Okay so only WAM and squiZZ, but everyone.
Hey! Tesco in Shoreham is open 24/7 - so there!
Posted by: Vega at Mon April 5, 2004 3:21Aaawwwww @ Mon
Can come too? Quick quick, book flight!
Not hiding in Scotland anyway (lol, squiZZ lives there!) and will prolly be online too so will be same to you.
No no @ Vega. Even 24/7 stores in England are only open limited hours on Sundays (Tesco usually 11-4). This is, I believe, restricted by law, whereas it seems to be different in Scotland.
Posted by: Clarissa at Mon April 5, 2004 11:06Quick quick, book flight!
ja, I said this to her last night . . but she claims to be too poor