Category: Randomness | 18 Comments | Posted 11:45I don't know how many Mons there are. I expect with 6 billion people there will be quite a few. I do however know, and I don't have the slightest doubt about this, that we have found the best one. Imagine! Out of all the Mons in the world, ours is the cutest, the most amazing, the smartest, the most creative and the loveliest! We are a very lucky bunch.
(Notice how I have used "we" and "ours" throughout. This is to avoid any tedious arguments over Mon ownership, although she is of course mine and mine only.)
I agree tho. OUR mon is the bestest mon in the whole of the known universe. But you should be careful, and stop this fighting over her. If you loose her in the heat of the battle, she could break into a thousand peices and be impossible to repair again. We don't want that now do we?
Monica Lewinsky? Monica the singer?
Hmmmm. I think Monica in Oslo is the best!
Posted by: j at Sun April 4, 2004 4:19I think she's used to us fighting over her.
I mean we could easily stop fighting if one particular person finally admitted that she's mine!
LOL @ jimmy
Merci lmh! (kennen ech Dech? Dain Paerd seet mer emol naischt )