Friday April 2, 2004

Terrorism - forced to freak?

Category: Opinionated | 6 Comments | Posted 23:59

Are you scared of terrorist attacks?

Like, at any level? Are you concerned about innocent people dying, about what it all means for the western world to live under constant threat from an invisible and unpredictable enemy?

And do you fear for your own life? Do you think twice about catching the plane, do you avoid the capitals of countries that supported the war in Iraq, do reports about biological warfare make you feel uneasy?

Apparently that is the way one is supposed to be. Being indifferent about the whole affair is considered bad taste. If you say that you're finding it interesting or even exciting rather than scary and unsettling, you get shocked and disapproving looks.

That's not gonna keep me from saying it of course. So yes, I'm not afraid for my own life, I do catch planes and I do visit London, I'm not particularly bothered by terrorist attacks in European countries and I do follow it all with detached interest. I guess I'm just a cynical & extremely bored monster. :-?


that makes two of us.

Posted by: squiZZ at Sat April 3, 2004 0:07

I knew you'd feel the same!

Posted by: Clarissa at Sat April 3, 2004 0:12

Im not conserned about beeing killed by some terrorists, what Im conserned about is the world and it's future. BUT, living is frightning. And's dangerous to step outside the front door, at times. It depends what you have experienced in the past. Im not afraid of dying, but I am afraid of what it's like dying, since I have not died before. I don't want to die, I want to live on earth did I get so off topic? LOL

Posted by: tris at Sat April 3, 2004 0:26

Well I don't want to die a painful death either, but that's not gonna make me freak out over every unlikely possibility of dying.
And yes, of course the future looks bleak, but when you're cynical like me you expect that anyway so it doesn't come as a shock or a surprise.

Posted by: Clarissa at Sat April 3, 2004 11:59

I am a bit concerned. I'm going to visit Sevilla this summer from Portugal, by train.. and considering another bomb on the track to Sevilla was found, it gets pretty scary. But I won't avoid London or any other capital, although I wouldn't feel comfortable on a plane to NY. I do care though, it just sucks that Europe has become another goal for terrorists. We all want a free world, right?

Posted by: Evelien at Sat April 3, 2004 16:28

I was just visiting Istanbul when that terrorist attack took place over there. I got extremely scared and so did my parents back home.

Posted by: Sanja at Sun April 4, 2004 18:34