I wanna be sedated
Category: Life & Me | 12 Comments | Posted 23:19Random lyric from My So-Called Life that's floating through my head. I love Rayanne.
I am so fucking tired. I have a vague feeling that I should be having dinner and that 3 muffins isn't considered a proper dinner. But it's so late and I wanna go to bed. I've made a new splash page - squiZZ says it's crap and I guess it is, but it's all I could come up with and I'm too lazy to think of anything better.
I'm also too lazy to do any work on my dissertation, tho I've had Word open all night... so I'm still pretty much stuck at 4200 words (4257 tho), and there's no way I'll get it done by the end of the month, esp. since I ain't gonna do any work on it next week... I'm working on Sunday too cuz some guy asked me to do a shift swap.
Good thing is tho he can do one of my Monday shifts at some point so hopefully I can go & visit Mon some time soon.
Er yeah. The End. Very boring entry uh?
PS Random piece of advice: do not buy cheap can openers. They are shit.
PPS Plug - Kal is back! Well, his blog at least!
I just noticed this entry and GOD DAMN (it's gotta be my new say or something ) I loved my so called life. The themesong!!!!!!! I miss that play so much. I love that play
oh, the memories
Posted by: tris at Sat April 3, 2004 1:24Hehehehehe. I have it all on DVD. If you want I can bring it when I come to visit my Mon (tho is region 1 so I dunno if you/she can play)
Posted by: Clarissa at Sat April 3, 2004 11:47Not if the actual player has a hardware block, which one of mine has.
And mine
I wanted to BE Rayanne when I was 14. I LOVED her so much!
Posted by: Vega at Sun April 4, 2004 3:26