I bought a spatula
Category: Life & Me | 14 Comments | Posted 20:04Yes that's right, a wooden spatula. At Asda and it was only 24p. That's Asda price! *taps pocket* Did you know Asda have pocket tap days or sth like that? They're insane. I'm actually totally anti-big-corporations-and-their-scary-brainwash-customs... so I should be anti-Asda too. Ah well they pay the bills (ok they don't, but part of the bills... a small part, er, of the bills ).
Yes apart from buying a spatula, I did my laundry as you know, I jogged around Sussex Uni campus (13mins, steep hills, sore knee), wrote around 500 words on my dissertation (more to come hopefully), rollerbladed into town and back, entered a competition on Radio1 and failed to win a trip for 2 to see Janet Jackson in NYC, and washed my hair. Such was my day.
I only wrote this so I'd have a slightly longer entry again for a change. I took a pic of the people at Brighton beach, maybe I should post that too? See there's this thing about Brighton, on the first mildly warm weekend of the year, thousands of people flock down here to clog up our beach and our roads... today seems to have been that weekend as there were no spaces left in any of our car parks and so I decided to go into town to see people. I was a bit late so most were gone, but anyway, here's a pic.

It's very wrong to have people on the beach. It should all be left to your own pleasure.
Spatula? WTF? Are you going to do a parency test wth someone?
and they even brought theyre babies! can you belive that wam??
Posted by: Kal at Mon March 29, 2004 5:32Golden Boy with Miss Kittin: Ripping Kittin
clariss, do you know this song? if not, plrase aquire it and let me know what you think. i will be awaiting your ANSWER
Posted by: Kal at Mon March 29, 2004 5:39Val - a parency test!?!?!
This is what I bought:
Kal I'm trying to get hold of the song but it ain't easy. It's in my queue.
Posted by: Clarissa at Mon March 29, 2004 8:36have you downloaded?
if not i'll upload it to my FTP space for you
Posted by: Kal at Mon March 29, 2004 20:48LMFAO So THAT is what a spatula is. I meant parency test (=Vaterschaftstest), where you take a sample of the male's saliva to check DNA or whatever to see if he's the father. I always thought "spatula" was something they only use in clinics, also to do smear tests... Oh well, learnt something again
Erm... alright, alright, I admit that it's actually "paternity" test but hey, "parency" sounded pretty sophisticated or not?