Sunday March 28, 2004

Yet again: Advice

Category: Randomness | 14 Comments | Posted 13:47

You know sometimes when you're poor/broke/penniless and doing your laundry costs rather a lot (£1.60 per washing plus around £1 for drying) and you don't have enough dirty laundry for separate white/dark/colours washloads, well sometimes you may decide to wash whites and colours together?

Don't do it. Unless you like pink. :| (or whatever other colour you have in there that comes off and dyes your whites in a nice pale hue)


Awwww no...

Well I do happen to like pink. Like in that episode of Friends where Rachel leaves a red sock in with her whites. Phoebe thinks it's a great idea as this way all your clothes match

I'm inclined to agree.

@ the 'broke and penniless' thing tho.

Someone somewhere is 'avin' a larf.

Posted by: The BML at Sun March 28, 2004 13:51

poor thing, god. That have happened to me sometimes in the past too, like, why does it always have to be a red sock that makes all the white turn into an ugly pink color? why can't it be a blue sock, or green or something like that?
Why red? I bought white towels last year. I have alwaus wanted a bunch of white towels. Guess what kinda colour they are in now?

Posted by: tris at Sun March 28, 2004 14:13

Well, don't buy red socks

Posted by: Lo at Sun March 28, 2004 14:21

@ Tris. I think red is a very strong colour or sth. It's indeed usually red. (altho I also have white stuff that is now yellow...)

Lo, wasn't a sock, was a jumper

Posted by: Clarissa at Sun March 28, 2004 14:50


clariss, i thought you were passes the trial and eroor stage, at age 27 was it?

I have been penniless, and i still refused to wash my darks and light together, let alone whites and colors!


Posted by: Kal at Sun March 28, 2004 18:03

wash your clothes by hand the next time citz

Posted by: tris at Sun March 28, 2004 18:07

I don't have many whites.

And 26.

And ugh @ washing by hand.

Posted by: Clarissa at Sun March 28, 2004 18:26

Looooove your layout

Awww, poor laundry. I think I might have done the same though, but not after I have read this, hehe.

Posted by: Evelien at Sun March 28, 2004 19:15


love love love love love love love that song!


Posted by: Kal at Sun March 28, 2004 19:16

p.s. your new logo is brilliant!

Posted by: Kal at Sun March 28, 2004 19:17

it's nice

Posted by: tris at Sun March 28, 2004 19:39

Thanks everyone!
And hehe @ Evelien

Posted by: Clarissa at Sun March 28, 2004 19:50

She replies to everyone's comment but mine. Offended? Nah...

I know where she sleeps.

Posted by: The BML at Mon March 29, 2004 18:11

Aw @ BML.
You poor thing! And it was a bloody jumper!! Oh no!!
Thanks for the more advice! (I'm learning, 'ere!)

Posted by: Woods at Tue March 30, 2004 20:33