Yet again: Advice
Category: Randomness | 14 Comments | Posted 13:47You know sometimes when you're poor/broke/penniless and doing your laundry costs rather a lot (£1.60 per washing plus around £1 for drying) and you don't have enough dirty laundry for separate white/dark/colours washloads, well sometimes you may decide to wash whites and colours together?
Don't do it. Unless you like pink. (or whatever other colour you have in there that comes off and dyes your whites in a nice pale hue)
Awwww no...
Well I do happen to like pink. Like in that episode of Friends where Rachel leaves a red sock in with her whites. Phoebe thinks it's a great idea as this way all your clothes match
I'm inclined to agree.
@ the 'broke and penniless' thing tho.
Someone somewhere is 'avin' a larf.
Posted by: The BML at Sun March 28, 2004 13:51
poor thing, god. That have happened to me sometimes in the past too, like, why does it always have to be a red sock that makes all the white turn into an ugly pink color? why can't it be a blue sock, or green or something like that?
Why red? I bought white towels last year. I have alwaus wanted a bunch of white towels. Guess what kinda colour they are in now?
@ Tris. I think red is a very strong colour or sth. It's indeed usually red. (altho I also have white stuff that is now yellow...)
Lo, wasn't a sock, was a jumper
Posted by: Clarissa at Sun March 28, 2004 14:50OH NO!!
clariss, i thought you were passes the trial and eroor stage, at age 27 was it?
I have been penniless, and i still refused to wash my darks and light together, let alone whites and colors!
Posted by: Kal at Sun March 28, 2004 18:03I don't have many whites.
And 26.
And ugh @ washing by hand.
Posted by: Clarissa at Sun March 28, 2004 18:26Looooove your layout
Awww, poor laundry. I think I might have done the same though, but not after I have read this, hehe.
Posted by: Evelien at Sun March 28, 2004 19:15I LOVE PLACEBO : ASK FOR ANSWERES!!
love love love love love love love that song!
Posted by: Kal at Sun March 28, 2004 19:16She replies to everyone's comment but mine. Offended? Nah...
I know where she sleeps.
Posted by: The BML at Mon March 29, 2004 18:11Aw @ BML.
You poor thing! And it was a bloody jumper!! Oh no!!
Thanks for the more advice! (I'm learning, 'ere!)