Category: Life & Me | 10 Comments | Posted 9:55It's sunny outside! Things are cool! I'm happy! For the first time in ages! Hooray!
To do list for this wonderful day:
- do dishes / clean kitchen
- dust rooom
- register with GP & make appointment
- clean Lara windscreen
- go to recycling centre with rubbish
- work on dissertation (goal: 1000 words)
- buy bog roll (lol)
Stay tuned as I strike out these points, one after the next, in my bid to be active, productive and, er... yeah that's it.
I hope the last thing one the last will be crossed out soon as well...
I hope so too... but judging by the chatting I'm doing now it's gonna be a while
stop chatting then
makes me think about, I should go back to my cleaning
Lara's my car yes (obviously with windsreen...)
I've done much today, but I've not done the most important thing, i.e. dissertation. Unsurprisingly.
You didn't hoover. :-|
You must HOOver.
*books flight and hoovers flat by self*
And I thought the dissertation had to be 10,000 words. *confused*
p.s. YAY @ happy!
You freak with your hooverment obsession!!! I did hoover the kitchen actually!
The dissertation has to be 20,000 words, my goal for TODAY was 1000. I managed: none.
I'm not obssessed with hoovers. *looks around* Everybody else is obssessed with NOT using them. [-(
Ahhhhh!!! @ dissertation. I seeee. Sorry!
Posted by: Woods at Tue March 23, 2004 12:11