Category: Life & Me | 15 Comments | Posted 19:55So today was the first day of our induction at Asda... got the invitation letter this morning, basically one hour before I had to be there. How nice of them. Was mighty pissed off. So wasted half the day there, now I'm totally knackered, obviously didn't get any uni work done and I have to be back there tomorrow at fucking 8am!!! For fucking 8.5hrs!!!
Yeah and now I feel pretty crap again and paranoid and need I mention exhausted so maybe I'll just go to bed and sleep all night until 7.30. I hate this I really do.
Since you are so bored lately, you might as well go to work and earn some money. Life ain't so bad Clarissa... read Ivan Noble's blog and you know who's got it bad and who doesn't.
Hold your head up high and send me the pic the BML took of us. Hehe. Thanks.
Posted by: Anne at Sat March 20, 2004 20:508.5 hours is a very long day
But better than not having a job at all.
Money ain't even that good.
And the job isn't all I'm about.
Anne I dunno if she's had that pic developed yet. Will investigate.
Posted by: Clarissa at Sun March 21, 2004 12:16LOL ich weiss nicht. So bald kann ich mir das nicht leisten, und erst muss ich nach Oslo. Ich hab aber gesehen, dass Easyjet von Gatwick nach Zuerich fliegen, das ist also schon mal nicht so schlecht
Ich spreche auch Deutsch! *proud*
*betting there were a million mistakes in that*
Not used my German in ages.
"and I have to be back there tomorrow at fucking 8am!!! For fucking 8.5hrs!" It's called work.
Awww @ no time to do uni work. I'd say it's cos you've only started. A few days later you'll have overcome the shock, horror of actually being ACTIVE
;) and you'll get used to being busy. Like... a sort of positive stress. Hell, it might even make your disseration easier.
Btw - I DON'T mean to say you're a total bum!! I was joking at first, right? I'm just saying, it's hard starting any job, but you soon get used to fitting the rest of your life around it.
And Mir's right. Money!!