Checkout giiirrrrrrl II
Category: Life & Me | 29 Comments | Posted 12:39I am now employed. Checkouts at Asda.
So I lose the race, but I have a job.
- green uniforms
- 10% discount (after 12 weeks)
- 5 min walk to work
- pension plan, end of year bonus, whatnot else
- green uniforms!!
- and plenty of time for my dissertation!
PS Googlebot has overtaken Slurp! Tragedy!
(if you don't know what the fuck I'm talking about, nevermind, hehe)
Congrats! Maybe with you checkouts will become less annoying in Britain. Hehe
Posted by: Anne at Tue March 9, 2004 12:50hehe. checkouts in Britain are a lot better than in Lux.
Congrats. Green uniforms, well, better than no uniform I guess, hehe. Juuust kidding.
Im happy for you, aint easy getting a job these days =)
Posted by: tris at Tue March 9, 2004 13:57 ooooh! Sexxxy green uniforms! Would you like some matching green eye shadow? hmmm?
YAY!!!!!!!! @ employment!! And LMAO - YAY @ green uniforms!!
Sounds cool. 5 mins walk? Lucky Citz.
Posted by: Woods at Tue March 9, 2004 14:25Just clicked on Asda link. GOD that is a brilliant green! squiZZnts* I don't remember Asda being as green as that. Oh well.
Why the f... oh, never mind. I was s.qu.inting, there...
Posted by: Woods at Tue March 9, 2004 15:35EH? WTF!?!
Grrrrrreeeeeeeeeennnnnnnn sparkly eye shadow!
Ooohh! Will definately go shopping there in May when Im in Btn and check out your looovely green uniform... and take pictures of you in the green uniform...
and post the pics online... and post topics at the board about your green uniform
Looking forward to seeing me there?
@ Vega. (I don't have a problem with pics of me in my uniform posted tho. I mean come on it's GREEN!
LMFAO @ Sinead's *squints* turning into squiZZ. I'd remove the macro but then all my old entries would be full of *squi which would look rather shit.
for Citz Me!!! Isn't she WONDERFUL?!
Congrats hon... evidently they wanted you and all that but tough. As you're mine. So now I need to go there and tell THEM that. *makes note to do tomorrow on way home*
MmmmmmmmWAH!!! WELL DONE!!! *proud*
Posted by: The BML at Tue March 9, 2004 19:11Ah @ macro. Is ok.
LMAO @ Vega walking into Asda upto checkout and taking out camera and snapping away!! Everyone will be like - "you wot?"
LOL@Vega! Please do!
J: I forgot to get that eyeshaddow you had! *sob* hokay, must go back then. only solution.
mir has nice, green eye shaddow. (I even believe the citz saw a pic of it.
like... WHY do I type shaddow when I know it's shadow??
cute. cuz you like the d?
Ja Citz has seen, is very sexy colour
Citz - Very true! Green is THE bestest color ever! (maybe not THAT green, but if its YOU wearing it then it'll probably look excellent)
Posted by: Vega at Tue March 9, 2004 21:18YAY for Citzy!!! :-D Save me some of those nice chocolate chip cooookiezzz... MmmMmmMmmmmmmm....
Oh shit... the diet.. yeah.... Hmmm..
BTW: Currently pissed off.. trying to send job application but is taking FOREVER to attach... have to send it by email because companys online submission thingy is fucked up! Hmpffff!!! It's doing my head in!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Mel at Tue March 9, 2004 21:34And why do I have this weird pressure sensation in various parts of my head from time to time.. Hmmmmmm.....
Posted by: Mel at Tue March 9, 2004 21:36Yahoo? I had that problem too once. I think it's the virus checking thingy.
Asda = supermarket.
Posted by: Clarissa at Tue March 9, 2004 21:36So you pack stuff that people buy?
That's cool, we don't have that in Switzerland. You have to do everything yourself... :(
HEY!!! welcome home!
you are my soul mate!
we had everything in common to begin with and now we have the same JOB!!!
me = checkout boy, red uniform, 6 minute walk from home, 20% off after 6 months (2 left)and plenty of time for my WAM!
Posted by: Kal at Tue March 9, 2004 23:05But, but, but..... red uniform is like, a whoooole different matter! ;)
LOL @ having to do everything yourself in Switzerland. My first job was a bag packer in a supermarket - which I only tolerated 2 weeks of... Now there is a goverment levy on plastic bags so that means no more bag packers - YAY!! No more teenages will have to suffer the torment... :-|
Posted by: Woods at Wed March 10, 2004 9:54Oooh, I refreshed and got greyscale!! It plays havoc with the LCD screen - hee hee heee!! (Btw, loved the apriocot colour last night).
Clarissa could you give me a hand I have just had my training at ASDA and I can hardly remember any of it like the fruit and veg codes, how to process phone cards and all vouchers n shit could u help?
Posted by: Ash at Thu May 13, 2004 14:18