Did I tell you?
Category: Randomness | 5 Comments | Posted 11:41I have the Moonwalk Charity Shop disease (MCS). Yesterday it struck again. Moonwalk (hardcover) plus an (ugly) oil burner for £1.40, not bad don't you think? It's got a nice dedication in it too - To Dawn, Happy Birthday, Love from Linda & Andy. Fascinating uh? This is my 5th - tho one of them has since found its way to the Netherlands.
An oil burner?? *getting worried* Thought you had central heating....
no, an oil burner for essential oils...
Er why do you have a link to ASDA?
Posted by: Jster at Wed February 25, 2004 13:33Hehe indeed @ J.
And link to Asda cuz I have an interview there... so "maybe" they'll give me a job
Ohhhh THAT kind of oil burner.
*ahem* :-|
Right, anyone that calls me old fashioned is gonna get a slap....
And I am still incredibly happy with it My own copy of Moonwalk, whoo!