Wednesday February 25, 2004

Once upon a time...

Category: Opinionated | 3 Comments | Posted 0:53

.... my random thoughts were all mine, nothing came of them, they didn't matter and no one cared.

Nowadays nothing comes of them, no one cares and they don't matter, but I'm always worried that I'm having some amazingly important realisation that I should be posting on my diary. Kinda takes the fun away.

Lesson learned? I don't know. Set priorities maybe. (| At the end of the day... nothing comes of it, no one cares and it don't matter.


eh? *confused*

Posted by: Lo at Wed February 25, 2004 12:55


Posted by: Clarissa at Wed February 25, 2004 13:00

Something DOES come of it... our entertainment.

Posted by: Sinead at Wed February 25, 2004 13:12