Bang and Blame
Category: Opinionated | 12 Comments | Posted 1:37So imagine someone close to you dies in a tragic accident. Like, in a plane crash for instance. You are devastated of course - it's unfair that they died, and you miss them, and it sucks.
But does it make you feel better if they find a scapegoat? Can you sleep better just because you can officially blame someone? Apparently so. Again and again you see victims' families cry for "justice" - meaning they want to find a scapegoat, and they will not be happy until they have one.
Like the case of the Kaprun furnicular train, where 155 people died some 3.5 years ago in a terrible fire. The trial ended a few days ago and all suspects were cleared. No one could be found guilty of having done anything wrong - something had obviously gone wrong, there shouldn't have been a fire, but it was no one's fault in particular, it was just, well, bad luck. A shame, and sad, but hell, that's the way it goes sometimes.
But the victims' families wailed and shouted and cried and declared they were ashamed of their country and whatnot. WTF?! So would they miss their relative less if some mechanic or supplier was found guilty of the accident!? People are so petty, selfish, vengeful and, well, stupid. Um yes. That had to be said, right here, right now. And now I shall bed.
*lol* I guess... it was because it LOOKED suspicious to them and they want justice?
I don't think it makes them miss them LESS, but maybe helps the whole grieving process if they feel in some way the death can be avenged?
Posted by: The BML at Mon February 23, 2004 1:43But it's stupid.
And yes maybe suspicious, but has all been cleared up, and is NOT suspicious, and STILL they're not happy.
And you get that a lot with accidents like that. They WANT someone to blame, someone who will suffer. As if that would make them suffer less.
The extreme version of that is people suing tobacco companies cuz their relatives died of fucking lung cancer. Instead of accepting that their relatives were the idiots.
Ah. Well if it wasn't suspicious then hmmm. I dunno. I guess they're just lashing out at anything as they're angry & hurt. Doesn't make sense, no, but people deal with grief in different ways.
Posted by: The BML at Mon February 23, 2004 1:51Yes, I know why they doing it, still saying is petty and stupid and pointless.
Yeah but... it's not THEIR fault that's how they're reacting tho? If they're hurt and it makes them feel better, why not? The families of 155 people all feel the same way so I guess there must be sth to it? Or they must have reason to believe that acting that way will somehow achieve sth?
I don't know ANYTHING about the story (other than obv link) but I don't think they're stupid. I think I'd probably be pretty hurt too.
And... are you playing Thriller? It's coming from somewhere...
No I am not playing Thriller.
Yes 155 families are doing it (well I'm sure it's not ALL of them that are freaking out), and as I said, people tend to do it rather a lot - that doesn't mean they're not stupid.
You seem to forget I'm a misanthropist and despise most of humanity... if one million people do something stupid, it's still stupid.
Posted by: Clarissa at Mon February 23, 2004 2:02Hmmm. OK, well I don't get it, so we should probably just leave it
I completely agree with you and I am glad you wrote about it. When I saw these people crying on TV over the end of Austria's justice system I thought the very same thing. I mean, shit happens and sometimes people die without anyone being responsible... I mean, if my mother had died in that train, I wouldn't feel any better about it just cause someone goes to prison over it... nor would I feel any worse if they don't. Maybe some of these people made mistakes but NONE of them wanted a tragedy where 155 people died. And none made a mistake big enough to cause the tragedy. It just added up and that's a shame.
Posted by: RS at Mon February 23, 2004 10:47You're right. Isn't is so easy just to point the finger? Actually there's uproar at the moment in Dublin about a bus swerving into 5 ppl on a pavement and crushing them dead... but if that had happened down the country I'd doubt it would be in the news for 2 days straight. It's all just hype. You wouldn't believe it - the bus company is even offering counselling to the people who were part of it or witnessed it. For god's sake. What about the families of ppl killed on the roads on an ordinary day? No free counselling for THEM!!
And that's just 5 ppl compared to, what, 155? It's ridiculous. Am right pissed off about the hype.
But back on topic, aye, I agree. Do ppl really think their grief will get better or it will be justified if someone goes to jail over an accident?? Or if it was on purpose even?
LMAO @ Thriller coming from nowhere! And also Citz cam!! cute!!
Posted by: Sinead at Mon February 23, 2004 12:01I often wonder about the blame-thing too. I'm not sure of course but I don't think wanting to blame someone would be my reaction after losing someone. It's not like anyone deliberately caused their death. I would only feel sorry for the people who are somewhat responsible, because they have a lot to bear too. The only good reason I can come up with is maybe wanting attention for all failures made, in order to prevent others.
Posted by: Evelien at Tue February 24, 2004 19:27