Wahey! It is over!
Category: Life & Me | 20 Comments | Posted 20:29I hereby declare that my detox has officially ended!! *munches choc bar and sips Diet Coke (no ice)* What a marvellous feeling!
Actually it's a bit of an anti-climax, I didn't even really fancy chocolate, and the Coke tastes slightly weird, but it had to be done. Do not ask why. Do I feel any different? (Everyone keeps asking me that.) No not really, but I'm sure it was good for me and I am now ready to face a weekend of debauchery!
Today was yet another uneventful day. Online is boring me to death these days - it's so strange, I spent 6 months literally living online and was quite happy doing it too. Often bored, but happy. Now I'm just oh so annoyed. The Internet is dead, utterly dead, and the only other thing to do here is read. That's mainly cuz I lack the energy to do anything slightly more exciting I suppose... but where to get it from, I'm asking ya?
So today I went to Prospects (the UK's official graduate careers website) and did this "what to do with my life" test, but it wasn't very conclusive... tells me I should go into fucking Education - I mean purlease! Other options are Administration (no really) or Advertising/PR/Marketing... hmm maybe, maybe... I dunno. Media was there too of course. If only... Also offered: Law Enforcement - heh, told you I wanna go work for the Police!
Tuesday I'm going to Warwick uni to raid their library for dissertation material. I think I'll book an appointment with their Careers service too, maybe that will be a little more use. I shall also meet up with Lady Nour and probably pop into my old job to say hi to the IER people... exciting. I've started doing work for my dissertation tho, ain't that amazing? Not much mind you, but it's a start.
Hm yes, that's pretty much it I think. Told you, boring boring boring. I wanna do an Internship at the Foreign Policy Centre. Sounds cool no? I will apply.
>>the Coke tastes slightly weird
Never, EVER insult Diet Coke again. EVER.
And indeed @ online being boring. We need more interesting friends - the current ones just ain't cutting it no more.
Posted by: The BML at Sun February 22, 2004 20:37Ja I know!! Totally!
So where shall we start looking?
LOL @ Diet Coke. Sorry
i wasnt believing the internet was dead until i came here and saw your last entery , Citz.
I ;now, belive it- what is happining? iot feels like dooms day.
Posted by: Kal at Sun February 22, 2004 21:17LOL trust squiZZ to do his obligatory drooling in the wake of a KalComment®
Kal, it IS doomsday! We're all gonna die!
Kal types weird.
Anyway who cares, soon we won't have to worry about him when our new & interesting friends come along.
I dunno @ Citz Me. Friday Ad?
Aye @ Friday Ad, so what's it gonna look like?
"2 desperate losers looking for cool friends to escape the loony ones they have now"?
How about "One desperate loser and her BML would very much like people to talk to, please. We are currently extremely under-stimulated by our current lot and are looking to replace them. References preferred but not essential. Training will be given. Immediate start."
Posted by: The BML at Mon February 23, 2004 0:45Bring me the DCNI. NOW.
And squiZZ, they are frankly not up to it. We've done all we can with them. We're trying to run a business here - it's not personal. Much.
Posted by: The BML at Mon February 23, 2004 0:50feck off @ BML Me. Pfft, first you insult me and then you expect me to serve you!? HA!
LMAO @ trying to run a business.
We are?
Sssssh. Tryin' to sound professional now.
And seriously. The diet Coke.
Posted by: The BML at Mon February 23, 2004 0:53Right, that's it.
*chases after Citz with a gherkin*
Any more of this nonsense and I'm gonna feed your Brian poster to the pigs.
Posted by: The BML at Mon February 23, 2004 1:02Ha. I don't think you'd want me to let some smelly bats loose in your room while you're in Glasgow eh?
No pets, remember.
(Pigs don't count. If anyone asks, we'll tell them they're for scrubbing the floors with.)
Posted by: The BML at Mon February 23, 2004 1:30