MoMA Love
Category: Life & Me | 8 Comments | Posted 20:02People have been asking for an update again... God they're so demanding! I am busy doing my detox and feeling sorry for myself! I mean really!
Yeah so the MoMA is coming to Berlin... I luuuurve the MoMA (er, that's Museum of Modern Art in NYC for you non-Momaniacs), it's my fave museum ever... and I've always wanted to see Berlin, so maybe I should combine the two and go this summer... provided I have a job. Or maybe I should wait until it reopens - bigger and better - in NYC and go there again for a change (next winter that is).
So this afternoon I was offered a job, telemarketing, and I said no, first cuz it's full time and 2ndly cuz I hate telemarketing... phonephobia you know. But the phonephobia (and the fulltimeness) hasn't kept me from requesting an application pack for this job, hehe. Have also applied to Asda, oh and I got my library card thingy so I can get into Sussex and Surrey libraries and start working on my dissertation. Ja. Maybe I should do some research now.
*shudders at mere mention of Berlin*
>>Maybe I should do some research now.
Nah... VIDEOS!!
@ BML shuddering!! Ya!! But, if you haven't been there Citz, and really want to see Berlin, then go if you can, instead of waiting for NYC. Cos you've seen NYC before.
But up to you of course...
And want to know why BML was kicked out of the living room.
And want.... er... a slice of toast while I'm here...
And want to wish you good luck with job finding. Police? Are you sure? I don't know what attracts ppl to that tbh, but go for your dreams like ol' MJ said.
And I want... ppl to check out my proof that Whitney nicked the Scream video!! (click url) *drooool*
Posted by: Sinead at Fri February 20, 2004 22:37LOL @ food obsessed Sinead.
Police is cool! Crime investigation, hmmmm
Mhm @ Whitney. Well, depends how you see it...
Posted by: Clarissa at Sat February 21, 2004 13:53LOL @ your obsession with dead bodies and like.
(Ah, I was just making screenshots of Whitney and didn't know what I was really gonna do with them, then just mindlessly put that up. Was bored, thassall. )
Well, that's what I think of first when I think of CSI!
And sorry, forgot - you're obsessed with graves. Not the dead bodies. *ahem*
Posted by: Sinead at Sun February 22, 2004 15:59