A room that is pure perfection
Category: Life & Me | 16 Comments | Posted 17:24
Ja so I got my Placebo poster today... which I'd ordered on eBay on Monday or whenever it was. Isn't he gorgeous? So Robbie has been moved behind the door, hehe.
Fuse has been fixed, we have lights again (wheee, thanks again Craig! ). I also cut myself. Twice. It's rather painful. Um other than that, nothing... I got the Argus so I'll go thru their job section now. Maybe I'll sleep a little. I'm tired. Yeah so I don't think there'll be SleepingCitzCam tonight.
We'll see.
Oh yeah, my detox is going well in case anyone is interested. I am not hungry and I am not craving chocolate, particularly a yummy muffin, or alternatively a big fat pizza. No no, none of that.
PS The header graphic has been replaced, there are now 4 different pics and 8 different quotes that show up randomly. Um yeah.
It does, but only ever so slightly. The main thing is you can see the people move along.
Posted by: Clarissa at Thu February 19, 2004 18:02 Saw this heading and thought it might be a BML-less living room
You moved Robbie for this terrible (sorry) person???? How could you...
Get Robbie back!!
WOW! That was pretty impressive. I mean it. BRILLIANT IDEA!!
Posted by: Vega at Thu February 19, 2004 23:20cool room
Citz, you have to see the new Cover of the American GQ magazine. its angie made so beautiflu your jaw will drop for days.. in red.
Posted by: Kal at Fri February 20, 2004 7:55
I wanna seeeee!!!!
I tried to find online but they don't seem to have the cover on their site
Yes indeed @ Lewis Carroll.
WOAH @ random quotes!!
And I think that Placebo poster looks a lot better than Robbie. No offence.
remember when we were in oslo and we talked about different mj pictures we like? Well, that b/w picture of him hanging on your wall I would love to have!
nice site btw =)
Posted by: therese at Fri February 20, 2004 22:49Hehehe @ Tris, yeah it's one of my fave MJ pics too
Me too. I'm gonna nick it.