West Pier
Category: Updates | 12 Comments | Posted 19:22Ja so as you can see (unless you're blind), this site finally has a new layout. About time, I know, although I will miss the wonderful colourfulness. And the squiZZ of course... yeah so no sexiness for now... instead you get lovely West Pier (pic taken last summer), some depressing lyrics (Placebo of course) and "easy on the eyes" colours as Craig put it.
So what else is new... um, been to Reed again today to register properly and stuff... so maybe they'll find me a job... scary thought. Ah yes, and we have no lights in half of the flat. Nice that. And we have fuses that must be as old as this flat, and I have no idea how to fix or replace or anything. And that's all my news for today really. God my life is exciting. I'll start a detox thing tomorrow tho. Wheee!
And tonight I'll binge.
Edit With the help of wonderful Craig, the lights problem is currently being solved... well we have lights in here now but none in the rooms.. then tomorrow fuse will be repaired. Am currently undergoing a looooong distance crash course in electrics.
Love the new layout!
By the way, our housewarming party is on April 17... can you come??
Posted by: Suha at Wed February 18, 2004 19:57Detox (well more like
but is good for me...)
Cute Mir
Um, dunno yet @ Suha... that is scarily close to my dissertation deadline... also meant to go to Paris with my mum in April.... will have to see.
Posted by: Clarissa at Wed February 18, 2004 20:15Er... I thought you said detox thing was and
and other things? (Please whatever you do and don't do, don't do anything squiZZ would have done.
And lovely new lay out
Yeah squiZZ detox was, but this one's cool. I mean it's quite (taste), but not scary or anything.
And btw.
And @ layout.
I like the quiet new layout But do miss the sexiness of SquiZZ...
Move yer arse over to his site and enjoy them pics until he changes again!
Oh I love that image at the top. Makes me all romantic... hehe
Posted by: Anne at Thu February 19, 2004 13:20