[...] Block
Category: Randomness | 4 Comments | Posted 19:16I wish this sort of mood turned me into a well of creativity, made me draw and write and whatnot else, I wish it produced intriguing expressionist pictures or gloomy poems, surrealist short stories or genial songs...
... instead nothing, just frustration and self hate and fedupness. So I'll go now and revel in someone else's creativity and genius until the mood passes. Buhbye.
I hope the mood has changed for the better About your comment on my journal (I actually had no idea that you visit my site!
), I meant 'what difference does it make for the anti-same sex marriage people if gay people wear rings around their fingers or not'. I mean, if you forbid them to marry, they will still live together and it will harm society (I heard that's one of their stupid arguments they use against same sex marriages. When asked about Holland, where it's legalised, they come up with researches that have shown how Holland's society has been crumbling down and getting worse since... right). So what difference does it make for those ignorant people whether two others who love eachother are married or not? I really don't get it. Neither do I get why 2 people who love each other are, according to some, not entitled to have the same rights as heterosexuals, just because they BOTH have a penis or a vagina. It's so a-logical. So that's what I meant
And the Israel issue... argh, I better not think about it or I'll get furious again. Grrr.
Um I believe it's cuz people say that marriage is sacred and all that crap because it is the foundation of a family, which builds our society yadda yadda, therefore it must be honoured, and gay marriages can't offer that and are evil and so on.