Reeetail therapy!!!!
Category: Photolog | 16 Comments | Posted 12:36There's nothing like shopping to lift one's spirits. Here's some of the stuff I bought yesterday and today... woo!
- Black handbag (purchased yesterday)
- Funky Paris handbag!!
- I can never resist books
- Oh and here's my new hair
You match the sofa. :-| And this is only after living with BML for 3 weeks!!!
Posted by: Sinead at Sun February 15, 2004 16:11LMAO!
Yeah, there's a disturbing amount of purple cropping up everywhere in my life.
I even bought purple eyeshadow today!
@ hair. Muchly red in that pic. Doesn't look anything like that...
Citz is pretty.
Posted by: Vega at Sun February 15, 2004 19:29Did you know... Brian was on a TV show on "La Deux" yesterday...
no of course I didn't know! Did you watch? What was it about? Did he speak French??
I don't suppose you recorded?
* looks at picture of Citz with old red hair
* looks at picture of Citz with NEW red hair
@ Kal - cuuuuuute!!!
I take it you prefer new then eh?
oooh - muchly prefer the light blue links. Not sure about the yellow though. But is better than monochrome site I visited yesteray.