Post interview... from here to...?
Category: Me about me | 19 Comments | Posted 13:23Yeah sorry I meant to write you sooner but I just been busy...
... ahem I mean, I meant to write this yesterday but then never got round to it. Yeah so the interview was fun, and interesting. I didn't get the job, I hadn't expected to and didn't really want it anyway as I can't see myself doing something like that - and he sensed that, lol. So yeah, he said he thinks I have what it takes but I'd have to know that this is what I really want - which it obviously isn't - as this would be a long term career, something to work on for years etc, and a really tough job too, not just a "well let's try it for a few months" thing.
So Paul (the CEO and guy who interviewed me) has made me realise that I need to make up my mind about what I want from life, and not dabble in this and that for lack of better ideas... originally I'd wanted to do that last summer - think about where I wanna go etc - but it's never too late so I shall do it now. I'm a bit scared that I'm getting old and I don't have enough time to actually start a real career - as in, start from the bottom and work my way up - but Paul guy thinks I shouldn't worry and that 26 is not as old as it sounds. *hehe*
So my first step will be to finish - well, to start that damn dissertation. Will try to get a part time job to survive in the meantime, and then we'll see where to go from there... maybe I will try publishing or media or sth like that. Why should I be so much worse than anybody else? I realised yesterday that I cannot lie and pretend to want something I do not - the only way I can sound interested and dedicated is when I actually am. I think I'll make a list of things I like doing and things I'm good at and go from there. Indeed. Stay tuned! *lol*
They tell you right after the interview if you get the job or not??? Is that usual in England?
Posted by: Suha at Fri February 13, 2004 14:45No, not usually.
>>I need to make up my mind about what I want from life, and not dabble in this and that for lack of better ideas
OMG, that would terrify me. If someone said that to me I'd probably burst into tears.
Good luck with it anyway... t'isn't easy.
Posted by: The BML at Fri February 13, 2004 14:50You would? Burst into tears? It's true tho, he didn't tell me anything I didn't know?!
And no it's not usual but this was a special case wasn't it.
Posted by: Clarissa at Fri February 13, 2004 14:52I pay you 5 pretzels per day for . . . erm . . . humoring me!
"I didn't get the job, I hadn't expected to and didn't really want it anyway "
Aww, sorry to hear that the job wasn't what you expected. Those interviews are 'orrible. But that's good that he made you think about yourself like that. You're right - 26 ain't old girl!!!
About trying part time job, I know you won't do this, but just be careful you don't get too comfortable in a lazy job. It's easily done. Always have some kind of plan afterwards, going on at the same time, you know.
Good luck with list - is hard to do. I'm sure you'll be fine anyway.
BML - agree with you. I would burst into tears too! LOL Cos it's personal stuff, there. And interviewers, well, they have no business talking to you about that! But I'm glad you took it well, Citz.
>>You would? Burst into tears?
I would indeed. Because it's bloody terrifying. Esp since... I dunno, it's sth that deep down you've always known but tried your best to ignore. And when someone says it, it's as if it forces you to... admit it.
And since the whole thing just is VERY intimidating, yeah. Maybe not in FRONT of him *ahem* but when I got out I'd definitely be upset...
Maybe I'm just weird.
Ah, that's right...
"Maybe not in FRONT of him *ahem* but when I got out I'd definitely be upset...
Me too
I am sure you will find something tho @ Citz
I know exactly what you mean by not wanting to admit it all along and then hearing someone saying it, BML. Terrifying.
It happened to me before but I didn't cry in front of the person, nearly did... but I wasn't even able to defend myself, I just sat there with a blank expression cos I knew if I opened my mouth to speak I'd start bawling. Not nice.
My tea's gone cold, I'm wondering why-y I got out of bed at all...
Sorry... your fault, you got me into it again. Great song tho.
Btw, there was no reason to burst into tears as it wasn't the job Citz wanted, so...
Posted by: Val at Mon February 16, 2004 0:44