Interview tomorrow
Category: Life & Me | 8 Comments | Posted 16:32Yes me. Scary uh? I think so too.
Can you see me in the recruiting business? Yeah thought so. But good money.
And do you know what FPGA stands for, and VHSIC and ASIC? I do now. It's all fascinating stuff. Microelectronics you see. Mhmm.
So tomorrow I will turn into a "commercially minded graduate who has a strong desire to succeed." Yep. So I fulfil at least two of the criteria they have for candidates. Cuz I certainly do not have "a proven track record in high technology recruitment or relationship based solution sales," no no.
But I have mystery purple hair now. The red had to go. Well it's basically dark with a reddish tint kinda like this. Um yeah. And now we're off to the recycling centre and the laundrette. BML Me has a job btw! A big woo-yay for her!
Good luck tomorrow!
>> And now we're off to the recycling centre and the laundrette.
ah, good girls!
Awwww... *sending Citz muchly luck*
If you want I can dance around the hallway in my pyjamas before you leave??
Awww you will be fine. Because you're lovely. (Oi, gerroff you lot... ©)
Well I dunno what else to say. Muchly luck and all that, but will say that to you before you go.
And me wuuuuuubs the hair!! (again, © @ people)
Great hair, great photo
Biiiiiiiiiiiiiig @ BML Me ©
Isn't she lovely? ISN'T SHE!?
LOL thanks Val, very old photo tho. Have taken a new one, will post tomorrow after interview.
Posted by: Clarissa at Thu February 12, 2004 0:37OMG - @ hair!!
It's GREAT!!! I thought LJ was only joking when she said dying your hair purple!! Wow, and cool @ interview too. Sounds really fascinating stuff. Is that to do with DVDs as well?
Best of luck in it!! I'm sure you'll be great.
Ok, just read BML diary again - WHERE did I get the impression that she was dying your hair!! I'm sure you're well capable of doing it yourself.
Strange, I dunno why I thought that.