Sunday February 8, 2004
So here's your video!
Category: Video | 12 Comments | Posted 23:30MTV Cribs at BML-Citz-flat (Real Media, 5.2MB, 4:40min).
(this video has been removed to make some room on my webspace. If yuu really wanna see it, drop me a line -
Cute cute cute! cute! cute-cute! and some more cuuuuuuuuute!!!
Posted by: Jar Jar at Sun February 8, 2004 23:43mir wants video entry EVERY DAY!!
the cuteness is just too overwhelming to describe!!
Posted by: miriam at Mon February 9, 2004 0:10I cant see it. it takes me to the index page but no video file... i want cute too!
Posted by: Vega at Mon February 9, 2004 0:32Ahem yeah, I'd made a tiny mistake in the URL. Try again.
Hhhhhhaaaa goot. Veeee hhhhhis glad yooooou liiiiikkkkes