A Walk up the Hill
Category: Life & Me | 6 Comments | Posted 18:48Yeah so today I went for a walk. It was a bit sunny, and I had a sudden urge to be healthy and fit again and lose weight and all that shit, so off I went. I took my cam of course, so I took pics, which you may view if you wish. You can do so by clicking here, but you don't have to of course.
It was a pleasant walk. A bit windy up at the top, but very nice all the same. I had some time to think during my walk too... and came to the realisation that I am a very lucky bitch indeed, because I have BML Me. I will tell you how I came to that realisation, because it was a bit of a complicated train of thought. And because I have nothing else to write about anyway.
I started out thinking about Placebo... about that concert on the 2nd of March that we didn't know about and that is now sold out and how I've found a pair of tix on eBay and whether Daniel would be able to stay another day and how we'd do that... and then I thought, well at least we have a hotel room for the night before (for I booked one last night), so that's sorted... then I thought God how are we gonna smuggle squiZZ in there, they will so notice, and I was reminded of how it was so much easier back in NYC when Darina, Jenny and BML Me took pity on Arica and me and smuggled us in, because that was a huge hotel and there was much confusion anyway cuz of 9/11... yeah and then I remembered how that was the 1st time I met BML Me and how I thought she was so cool pretty much straight away, and well, came to the conclusion that I am one lucky cow for now sharing a flat and a life with her.
Told you it was long-winded. Yeah what else... I bought some nice stripey fabric to make a protective bag for my Chloe (digicam), and a very funky colourful candle... one can never go into Brighton without spending money it seems. Yes I am aware there still haven't been any pics of new furniture etc. Soon. We made a video last night, hopefully I can be bothered to edit that later. We didn't do laundry today as we had planned because... well basically cuz we're lazy online addicts. I have to apply for some more jobs today. Well write today, apply tomorrow. OK, so stay tuned for that video...
*thinks how much wubs*
*decides very bloody much*
*wants to hug but is on phone*
*hugs anyway*
... *wubs*...
Me got hug from BML Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (notice the "Me" - means "posession of"!!)
And ©!!!!!!
She very cute let me assure you.
And mine.
Ha ha! Lucky bitch indeed...
Great pics! But would rather a vid.