Furniture Shopping
Category: Life & Me | 19 Comments | Posted 18:29Ja, so in true geek fashion we are ordering most of our furniture online. OK no we really just ordered the sofa, the rest we'll get tomorrow. So here is a list with pics shamelessly stolen from the Argos site.
- dining room table & chairs
- lilac 2-seater sofabed
- basic laptop desk
- telephone table
Ja thassit. Um what else... yeah I bought a nice print of Paris and BML Me one of New York, and I bought a purple clipboard and she bought a purple bin, and that's pretty much it. Ah I also bought superglue so I can fix my webcam. So I guess I'll do that now.
*looks at Citz singing to Eminem and surfing message boards and the like*
*looks at broken webcam*
*looks at bag with glue*
eeeeeeeeeeh? whats wrong with the cam? and how will glue help?
Posted by: squiZZle at Fri February 6, 2004 18:36
*picks up glue and cam*
squiZZ, cam is broken, like, between base and actual cam.
And I hate superglue. Got it all over my damn fingers now.
And the damn cam is still wobbly!
Kyoot Citz
Issn'it Vega?? And will soon be belonging to us!! *mwahahahaha*
me goign to buy a new web cam soon. really crabby one for $19 on sale at TARGET -- hehehe
Posted by: Kal at Fri February 6, 2004 21:34OMG! Furniture!! I love looking at furniture, and dreaming about that One Day LOL.
Aww, it's really lovely what you got! LOL @ all the purple things!!
I just hope you don't have to assemble that comp table yourself! I bought sth in Argos thinking I could do it all by myself, aye, but couldn't. Not physically strong enough so had to wait for dad to come home all weekend and do it for me.
But that furniture is WAY sheckshay! I can't wait to see it! Hope it doesn't get damaged during the party!
LOL we will have to put it together ourselves, but I've done it before and is not that hard.
Posted by: Clarissa at Fri February 6, 2004 23:13in that respect yeah. but they sell loads of stuff, not just home stuff.
Posted by: Clarissa at Fri February 6, 2004 23:28Oh yes, Paul has forced me to carry their HUGE catalogue all the way home on the bus, together with that other shop's catalogue that's just like Argos and only like 10 meters away which I cant remember the name of. Heavy!!
Posted by: Vega at Sat February 7, 2004 12:23err... home = paul's nan's home in btn (which is TWENTY minutes on the bus from Churchill Square)
Posted by: Vega at Sat February 7, 2004 12:25Ah yeah, I know which one you mean, tho can't remember name.
Posted by: Clarissa at Sat February 7, 2004 12:56Index?
or now known as Littlewoods Index . . or Maybe Littlewoods Extra
Little?!? GRRRR