Suicide II
Category: Opinionated | 9 Comments | Posted 5:30Yeah so I'm mailing Anikó and somehow from the cannibal murder in Germany we got to the topic of suicide... and I remembered this (German) article which says suicide rates in Germany went down some 40% between 1982 and 2002, mainly because depression is being addressed and treated more effectively (largely by prescribing the right anti-depressants).
Apparently depression and other mental conditions are the main reason for suicide. "Mentally fit people don't commit suicide, even in very difficult situations. Instead they seek help and strive on hope." Says this one psychiatrist guy.
... so doesn't that mean that suicide is becoming more and more avoidable?
Basically my attitude has always been this: if someone wants to kill themselves, people around him or her (provided they suspect it) should make sure it's not just because of some stupid temporary heartbreak or financial problem, and if it's not and that person has a good enough reason to want to die, then we should accept that (tho I do believe everyone has some responsibilities towards others).
But if the right pill or the right therapy can help even those who do find day to day life too much of a struggle, then what still speaks for suicide? Considering, as it is my belief, that this life is all we're gonna get, there is nothing glorious or ceremonious about suicide - it is not "moving on", it is merely "ending it" - and though it may be artistic under certain circumstances, there is no satisfaction in it as you will not be around to witness the reception of your work of art.
I'm not actually condemning suicide here - not saying it's cowardly or wrong or whatever. I'm merely asking a question. IMO life in most cases is better than death... so if those who hate their life can be convinced that it's actually worth living, then that should always be the more desirable option, right? Or is that invading their personal space? Is it like trying to turn a gay person straight?
Hm, I seriously don't know. Lol I'm sure this entry was meant to go in a different direction originally. And why do I waste so much time pondering such issues if they concern me only marginally...? Maybe I really should have studied psychology...
It is dark and foggy out there.
"Apparently depression and other mental conditions are the main reason for suicide. "Mentally fit people don't commit suicide, even in very difficult situations. Instead they seek help and strive on hope." Says this one psychiatrist guy."
This book says pretty much the same thing. But the detailed history of suicide found in this book suggests that there are quite a large number of non-mentally ill people who kill themselves, due to the massive fluctuations in suicide rates throughout the ages. I don't think that anyone who was seriously suicidal would choose not to kill themself just because in their lifetime it was 'wrong' and their body would be buried at a crossroad with a stake through their heart. Suicidal people are gonna be suicidal whatever the current attitude to it is. Perhaps it's the mentally stable people who were more easily persuaded not to kill themselves when it was such a 'bad' thing to do that counts for the drop in rates during these times. (obviously there are a load of other factors too)
I hope that made some sense!
You think? Maybe not because it was considered wrong, but what if they really believed that they would go to hell and suffer for all eternity?
Cuz if you wanna kill yourself because your life is unbearable, you do it because you think what comes afterwards will be better (or will be nothing at all).
Or is "suicidal" just a state of mind that you cannot escape, much like obsessive-compulsive - rather than a conscious choice?
(and yes, made sense)
Posted by: Clarissa at Thu February 5, 2004 18:35OK this has nothing to do with anything, but did you know sick days account for the biggest loss of money in the um... industry?
Cathy and Cathy told me that. Therefore it must be troo.
Posted by: The BML at Thu February 5, 2004 19:12Viruses aka sickness ones or PC ones?
Coz if both... then viruses in general must account for a hell of a lot of time off...
Posted by: The BML at Fri February 6, 2004 3:15PC ones. Cuz everytime there's a new virus out they tell us about how there are billions wasted cuz of it and stuff...
Posted by: Clarissa at Fri February 6, 2004 4:02Why does it have to be mental illness that people commit suicide?
I am in a hopeless financial situation and the only way I can see that my children will be taken care of is if I commit suicide and they benefit from life insurance and social security.
Doesnt that make sense?
Posted by: Hopeless at Mon August 30, 2004 5:38