I love Skyler (and she doesn't know yet)
Category: Opinionated | 10 Comments | Posted 1:33Yes so today I found Skyler aka girl ruin.
(ok squiZZ found her, but he didn't even read her so he deserves no credit.)
She is my soulmate in many ways. I will demonstrate. I am copying.
× brian molko is my god.
× actually, i'm an atheist.
× i have never smoked a full cigarette in my life.
× nor have a tried any illegal drugs.
× i do not believe in the institution of marriage.
× i do not, and will not, ever want kids.
× i prefer one-on-one meetings as opposed to hanging out in a group.
× i rarely leave my house.
× i have an abundance of inside jokes with each of my friends.
× i drink at least 1-2 cans of diet coke a day.
× my favourite numbers are 4, 7, 13 and 54.
× i did not go to my high school prom, and no, i do not regret it.
× i love men is make-up.
× favourite body part on the opposite sex: hands.
× "i'm alone but i ain't lonely" is a phrase i live by (from "santa fe").
× i only like silver, sterling, and pewter. i hate gold.
× i don't follow trends but i wear what i like. if it happens to be a trend at the time, oh, well.
× i looked up to michael jackson as kid.
× i hate hypocrisy.
× i am not one of those 'trendy' supporters of homosexuality.
× i love my two cats, shadow and salem, to death.
FAVE PLACES: london, england; paris, france; italy; my room; my bed
OBSESSIONS: gay men, androgyny, brian molko, placebo, books, my computer, my laptop, more.
Those are just some of the reasons why she's my soulmate. She has non-soulmatey attributes as well of course, but mainly she's very soulmatey. Therefore I love her. And you should all go and read her site and her LJ.
LOLOL yeah but I MUST point out that the bits I quoted are only about 1/5 of a VERY long list so obviously I don't agree with ALL of what she thinks. But yeah, there is a lot where I do
*humps Clarissa* You rock, girl. I'm more than flattered. We have to continue talking since we have so much in common. Ohyesbaby. *humps Kathi too* Eeehe. Love you too, homefriez!
Posted by: Skyler at Fri February 6, 2004 4:40 cuuuute! I see Skyler's in demand
Not surprising really