Pastiches - an experiment
Category: Randomness | 15 Comments | Posted 14:15So a while back I suddenly had the idea of doing a diary entry trying to imitate the writing style of various other blogging people that I count among my friends or acquaintances. I thought this might be fun and BML Me and squiZZ agreed so I've decided to give it a go now as I have nothing better to do (well I do but I choose not to do it). I will not say who I am imitating of course as that would spoil half the fun so the way this works is that everyone can guess who they think it is and as most of the regulars here will be at the party on the 28th maybe there'll even be a prize for whoever gets everything right. I will try not to be too obvious so as not to make it too easy (so there will be no "cook me a thing" and no oO(thinking in bubbles)) and yes, this paragraph is supposed to be imitating someone too.
Right, so maybe I should update you on what's been going on since I haven't done that in ages. So yeah, what has been going on... not much of course (what did you expect??). Mostly I've just been lounging about the flat in my usual fashion. Surprisingly tho yesterday I was actually quite productive - not something you get from me that often, as I'm sure you'll agree. I applied for 3 different jobs, so now I can sit and wait for the rejections to come in (more likely they won't even bother replying at all of course, leaving me feeling utterly crushed and dejected. Nothing new there then.)
I have to say though, I would really like to get that one job. It's developing DVDs and they need multilingual people. I think I'd not be too bad at it, I have the qualifications they want and all that. I had to write a cover letter with it, that was so annoying, I could only think "oh come on, just give me the job already!" But I'm glad I did that once, let's hope they'll ring me soon.
Ok that sounded like a good idea earlier and now I just can't be arsed anymore (which is why it became more & more crude towards the end). Feel free to guess who the 3 ppl are. I've applied for one more job, we had a guy round who tried and failed in fixing the network, and yeah, that was my day basically.
I certainly have NO idea who you are talking about! non of them..oO(wondering)...
Posted by: Kal at Wed February 4, 2004 0:58LOL you can only really know one of them... one you prolly haven't read in ages and one I don't think you've ever read.
Posted by: Clarissa at Wed February 4, 2004 1:00hehe funny :)
the first one seems like SquiZZ, the 2nd like BML, and the 3rd sounds like Michelle, but i ain't sure.
Hehehehe, Karin is of course correct. I'm glad most people actually did recognize them. I can't have been that bad then (and ha! @ the people I imitated who went "that ain't like me" etc )
LMAO @ the difference between this and enetation. Jesus - I type in my entry, I see it. Great. Then I go back into that window from the link - my entry is gone. I refresh. Now ALL the entries are gone!!
That's terrible about the network guy btw.
Good luck with the DVD job!!
Cooool. I like DVDs
Poor haggises. Must try that one when I go home too, as no Flash 'ere. But I don't wanna hurt them!
Clarissa, I read BML's at least once a week. and I stopped reading Michell's a while back. Ive only gone to see her designs. we had a fall out after she started spreading rumors and making fun of Sandy (one of my best freinds). and she never really has anything interesting to blah!
Posted by: Kal at Wed February 4, 2004 21:15*hee hee* They DO like it! Cool.
... 20 stingey points?!?!?!?!
You're a good imitator... ;)
BTW, I was soooo impatient to watch Robbie, so I went and bought DVD... Robbie live at Knebworth. He's so yummy...
Posted by: Suha at Wed February 4, 2004 22:19LOL @ Suha. Knebworth is a very nice one
Yeah @ Kal, I heard.
Posted by: Clarissa at Wed February 4, 2004 23:57