Go Janet!
Category: Opinionated | 17 Comments | Posted 4:50Just cuz everyone's getting so worked up about it - WOOOHOOO @ Janet Jackson baring her boob at the fucking SuperBowl!!
Tho @ Justin Timberlake being the one uncovering it of course.
PS In case you hadn't seen it yet...


[edit] Oh and LMAO @ all the hypocritical pseudo-apologies issued afterwards by the likes of Justin and MTV - "it was unintentional, an unfortunate incident..." yeah right! Ah, can you get better publicity than this? Course you can't! LOL. Pure fucking genius, this whole thing. I bet they've had their press releases readily phrased & printed out for days! [/edit]
it should SO have been me uncovering it!!
I'm unshaved and scruffy today too.
Posted by: squiZZle at Mon February 2, 2004 4:54AUTHOR: Kal
EMAIL: krystallinekal@aol.com
URL: http://sky.prohosting.com/targetk
DATE: 02/02/2004 07:06:35 AM
LMAO @ Kal pic... and OMG - they APOLOGISED?! OH MY BLOODY JESUS Justin Timberlake is a WANKER!!! AAAAAAAAAAARGH HOW I HATE THAT MAN!!! *shoots self*
Posted by: The BML at Mon February 2, 2004 17:28*slobber*
Mmmmmm... boobiezzzzz....
*goes off to do a masturbate*
Posted by: Mel at Mon February 2, 2004 22:40Why is it she has to make sure all the attention is on her everytime there's an allegation about Micahel? Jesus Christ.....
Posted by: Sinead at Wed February 4, 2004 16:14Oh my god I'm so tired!!! Look how I spleplled Michael!!!!
LOL @ Sinead. I don't think it's intentional. Not her fault she'll have an album out soon.
Posted by: Clarissa at Wed February 4, 2004 20:29Hmmm..... LOL
I was wondering why...
(Oh, and I disabled images at work comp (thank God I did, with days like this!!) and didn't see the sick smilie - glad I'm not the only one that feels like that about Justin!) Oh you've made a mistake, you stupid little boy!! LOL It's her career getting boosted - now even less people like him.
Posted by: Sinead at Wed February 4, 2004 22:18