Category: Life & Me | 21 Comments | Posted 16:26The biggest imaginable catastrophe has occurred!!! My Mikey, my beloved PC has died!! Completely died! Nothing happens when you turn it on! Just quietness! It's a tragedy of unbelievable proportions!!! And it had to happen the day after we got broadband of course! And the weekend when I need to do all my application forms! Someone must truly hate me!!
So now Mikey's at the doctor, I probably won't get him back until tomorrow and MAYBE even longer.... you can imagine the state I'm in. I never knew how badly addicted I was really. So LJ's going all "yeah so you can't go online for one night, that's been me for the past few weeks", but she doesn't understand! The Internet is my life! So I think I'm gonna die tonight. I could go online using the laptop and 56k, but that might be overdoing it... bah, knowing me I probably will!
Yeah anyway, so now you know why the Net is being and will be distinctly Citzless. I hope you miss me as much as I miss all of you.
But like... whyyyyyy is no one feeling sorry for meeeee???
Anyway y'know... like... my commiserations and all that.
*looks at non-working laptop and slits wrists*
Like... yeah.
Posted by: The BML at Fri January 30, 2004 16:41LOL @ BML (sorry, addicts are heartless & selfish people, and I need all my energy to feel sorry for ME!)
I dunno, I'm pretty much done tbh so any time really.
Posted by: Clarissa at Fri January 30, 2004 16:51Well come on... it's not like we live together or anything
and you guys were laughing at me and Stu doing that. Didnt I tell you, didnt I tell youuu.
You'd do it toooo
I must have put on the strongest fucking eyeliner in the WORLD tonight. I washed my eyes twice, applied rubbing alcohol on my lids -- and strongly so. soap and soap and more soap- and took a shit twice. I STILL have eyeliner on. if this stuff don't go away by Monday, am quitting my job!
Posted by: Kal at Sat January 31, 2004 10:29 @ no internet. Thats so harsh
LOLOLOLOL @ Kal!!!! Tried make up remover?
At those laughing @ us for talking thru comments - we were on uni PCs and sat quite far apart. And once we both have PCs, we will be at different ends of the flat, so there will be need to use the PCs to communicate too as we don't wanna be shouting at each other.
Posted by: Clarissa at Sat January 31, 2004 13:10LOL- it the next day now. eyeliner still on! i dont have any make up remover
@ Squizz
Try baby oil to get rid of eyeliner.
Posted by: streetwalker2 at Mon February 2, 2004 9:31