What a glorious day!
Category: Life & Me | 3 Comments | Posted 12:19Not a cloud in the sky! Ok so it's below freezing, but it still looks wonderful from in here. And we've had snow, tho not much, and of course not where we are near the sea, but I can see it on the hills behind us (check the webcam), and on the cars coming from inland.
So today apparently we have to go into town to beg for jobs. BML Me has decided. I suppose it's a wise and mature decision, so I will follow it. Not that I'm not scared. I am, in fact, very scared. Why is it so scary? And so complicated? All these decisions, all these different options, but none of them safe and definite... do I write my dissertation? Will they let me write it? Will I manage to write it? And if I do, do I get a part time job? Do I apply for an Asda job? Or do I rely on the temping agencies? And where will the rest of the money come from? Will I have to sell Lara after all?
And what do I tell the Brighon uni people? (where I'm applying for 4 jobs... well I mean to... no I will! If only I could face those damn application forms) The interviews aren't until 26th Feb (the day the Norwegians
arrive) - so I'd need a job before that! But I don't have one yet! And they want to know if there will be any days I will be unavailable for Interviews! Well I don't know yet do I since I have no job! *sigh* Obviously not available on Feb 27th and March 1st.
LJ & I spent hours last night going "I don't want a job" - "shush, don't mention that word!"
I was thinking, maybe I should try to become a celebrated artist after all. "After all"?
After what I wonder. Never really tried so far. Waaah, someone endow me with talent! And motivation!
Or just lots & lots of money!!
Um yeah. Enough of that scary job talk. What a glorious day! Tomorrow broadband will be mine!!!
*wanders off, occasionally skipping and twirling round in the air*
@ finding stuff. I want MONEY!!!!!!!!!!