On a positive note...
Category: Life & Me | 8 Comments | Posted 15:39.. I think I've found a cheaper option for our broadband equipment. As some of you may know, the BT guy quoted me £200 for the stuff we needed (modem/wireless router combo plus wireless PCMCIA card for Yoshi the laptop). I found that rather unaffordable and decided to look around elsewhere. Now I have a DSL modem from home of course, but thought this would not work here (is German)... I have however found a German modem at one of the shops here and am therefore assuming that mine will work too. I have also found a router @ £75 and network card @ £30, so that's £105!
Hopefully my wonderful combo will work... we'll find out on Thursday I guess. Can't wait. Woo @ broadband!
Yeah, on a less positive note, there is so much to do (which is why I'm online doing none of it of course). Must ring Sky people, BT people, send off job applications, drag BML Me into town to sign tenancy agreement, buy adapter, buy nails, get TV license, pay water bill... ah yeah did I mention all them bills and stuff that need paying? It's just not fair! We have no money! How can they expect us to pay for all that stuff!? Gas, electricity and council tax coming up still.
I am scared, very very scared. I need a job. Yeah so maybe I should start filling out them application forms and all that now instead of just moaning.
*sticks out toe*
Brrrr... be cold. Citz Meeeeee... can you bring me a cup of teeeeeea??
Posted by: The BML at Tue January 27, 2004 1:19I miss you both. Hope you are having fun! *muah* Good luck on the job hunting.
Posted by: Jess at Tue January 27, 2004 10:16LOL @ BML Me. Citz was fast asleep in bed
And yeah, they say is gonna get FREEEZING tomorrow... I'm scared
@ Jess. Soon we'll have broadband and can chat again... until we get a job and will be away in the daytime
I advanced $300 on my paycheck today and now I have $75 to last me two weeks. good to know my soulmate is there up with me on that one!
Posted by: Kal at Tue January 27, 2004 23:35Aaawwww poor Kal
BML do you have to change all my info everytime you post
And you ain't getting no tea!
"BML do you have to change all my info everytime you post"
LMAO!! - roomates!!!
you just wait Citz - thats the begining for a LOT of change
Posted by: Kal at Wed January 28, 2004 21:44