Jareth yet again
Category: Photolog | 13 Comments | Posted 22:05We've moved in! I have BML Me! Woo! *hehe*
So I've got a little photographic tour for you. Is probably gonna take me 30mins to upload them 200KB, but nevermind, want y'all to see the latest Jareth developments and stuff.
Yeah so what we been up to... not much tbh... drove down here yesterday, I managed in 7.5hrs instead of 10 (haha, I'm good, and nooo I'm not a dangerous driver ) so we had plenty time to unload, again with the help of wonderful Daniel, and return the van and stuff. Then BML started unpacking and I spent a shocking 4hrs online (we pay per minute!
) chatting to the usual suspects (first time I spoke to Miriam
in aaages).
Hm today we been unpacking, building, cleaning and stuff like that. Sleeping too. So I have my PC corner all done now... woo! I'm now officially all unpacked, as I managed to fit my books on the PC shelves as well. And I like the new layout of my room (cf the photo tour) as it gives me more wall space to use. All that's left to do now is the posters & pictures.
LOL these updates must be hella boring to most of you uh? As soon as we have everything we need, I shall cease to talk about Jareth so damn much, hehe.
I think BML's MJ posters were the cutest part of the tour. The whole room was a mess, but she put her heart into plastering her walls
Yes, I agree with Vega! BML has her priorities well sorted!
the place looks promising!
I think it's very interesting!
Where be other pics? I only see appartment block!?
You guys talking abt other pics, I cant fiind
There are links at the bottom (previous/next) if you can't see them it's probably cuz your font is set to sth humongous. Change it in view > text size.
OK I've changed the size of the popup now... can you see now?
Posted by: Clarissa at Mon January 26, 2004 12:43Yaaaaaaay. Thanks, I see them now.
Only worked once I changed font size though.
Looks coool
awww @ BML's posters, hehe.
Posted by: Dee at Mon January 26, 2004 13:00Glad you like our little flat