Glasgow Citz
Category: Life & Me | 13 Comments | Posted 18:06Yes tis I, I am in Glasgow, one last time I suppose... had to get up at some ungodly hour of the morning to catch my plane... mornings shouldn't be allowed.
Yeah so what's been happening... we met wubbly Mel in London - picked her up from work and went for food-drink-type thing nearby (yum, KFC Twister...) and basically just talked loads of rubbish... as usual. Mel and I will start a comedy-cum-talkshow called "Wam & Woo", it will be a great success and we will end up expanding all over the world. Am very excited about this latest venture!
Yeah so after putting the Pet on a train to Stansted, we both went home to her place where I spent the night as was no point going back to Brighton... had a great time (Mel rocks!), tho I collapsed on her at about 10pm as I was so tired. So this morning I had to catch a lovely Ryanair plane to Glasgow... which is where I am now, strangely enough. (well, near Glasgow, just to foreclose any cries of "it's not Glasgow!")
BML Me is all packed up, so all we need to do now is drive down South... aah the fun, can't wait. (hm, a 10hr drive in a right-hand-drive van is not exactly my idea of fun, but I'm sure we'll cope). So now we're together... like properly.... if you know what I mean. Together, as should be.
Veery strange feeling... this whole thing still feels like, I dunno, a holiday or something, like something temporary. My stays in the UK have always been temporary. To think that now I actually live here... woah. Still hasn't sunk in. Hope it will tho, cuz it's only half the fun if you don't really believe in it.
*sneeze* Eurgh...
Awww @ Glasgow Citz. Cuteness.
Tomorrow we be Brighttttooooonnnn!!! 10 hour driiiiivvvveeee!!! Like, yay.
We have lovely flat, lovely view, not so lovely sea... WOO HOO!
wtf is wrong with the sea..?
Thank you for your answer, Mr PA/spokesman! :)
Posted by: Vega at Sat January 24, 2004 10:00LOL the Pet is getting good at this. LJ & I shall employ him once we're outrageously rich
You are indeed Miss Mel
maybe me being your spokesman is payment enough for you being my official finder?