Thursday January 15, 2004

TAKE my money, TAKE it!!!!

Category: Randomness | 2 Comments | Posted 15:53

Yeah so you see it goes like this... I quit my job last July yes? Effective 18th Sept. OK so the Gov't (my employer) is known to be slow so I knew I could expect to be paid until November or so, then have the money wihdrawn again. So now it's January and I'm still getting paid. Of course I could never touch the money as they could have noticed any time and taken it all away... so my mum said I had to ring them and tell them to stop paying me for God's sake.

Which I've done just now. Turns out they never got my resignation at the Ministry! 8-| I mean, I sent my resignation letter to my headmaster, my new headmaster, AND the ministry.... obviously got lost! 8-| They're such dickheads! Anyway, they know now, have just sent them a copy, so soon they will ask for their money back. Hooray. Maybe I should quickly invest it and become outrageously rich. :))


just wanna say something.
You rock :/ aww

greets from lux...

Posted by: Tom at Thu January 15, 2004 20:03

Lol um thanks. I think.

Posted by: Clarissa at Thu January 15, 2004 20:06