Massive questionnaire
Category: Memes | 4 Comments | Posted 9:55Meh, I went to bed early (well, 11pm) cuz was shattered, but then woke up around 4 of course and couldn't get back to sleep. Too early to do serious stuff, so I'm here now. Found this huge questionnaire at Vacuity so thought I'd give it a go. Well in fact I'll just pick out the questions that I like or haven't answered before.
[ Parents Still Together? ] nope
[ Siblings? ] 2 half brothers
[ Nieces/Nephews? ] none (that I know of, lol)
[ Kids of your own? ] none
[ Pets? ] a horse
[ In School/Graduated? ] graduated
[ Rent, lease, or own your home? ] rent
[ Have any credit cards? ] yes
[ What do you drive? ] Lara. (Hyundai Coupé)
[ Color ] green, purple, black
[ Number ] 7, 13
[ Animal ] horses, cats, bats
[ Vehicle ] Lara (hehe)
[ Flower ] dunno
[ Scent ] dunno. Dior Fahrenheit? *hehe*
[ Shape ] dunno. Coke bottle?
[ Drinks ] Bacardi & (Diet) Coke
[ Soda ] Diet Coke!!
[ Candy ] hm... no obsessions right now... honestly don't know.
[ Book ] Too many to start. Anne Rice, Marcel Proust, Douglas Adams...
[ Band ] Placebo!!
[ Song ] Will You Be There (Michael Jackson)
[ Colour your hair? ] ja. Not had my natural hair colour since I was 15 I think
[ Twirl your hair? ] no. too short now anyway
[ Have tattoos? ] not yet
[ Piercings? ] one ear. Want nose.
[ Cheat on tests/homework? ] not anymore since not at school anymore but yeah, I did. Loads.
[ Drink/Smoke?] drink
[ Like roller coasters? ] not really
[ Wish you could live somewhere else? ] not anymore, as I will.
[ Want more piercings? ] yes, but scared
[ Like cleaning? ] very rarely I get a cleaning mania. Usually hate it.
[ Write in cursive or print? ] something in between
[ Carry a donor card? ] yes. Well don't carry cuz dunno where it is, but I have one.
[ Swear a lot? ] LOL yeah
[ Own a web cam? ] yes
[ Know how to drive? ] yes
[ Diet? ] no, tho should.
[ Own a cell phone? ] 2 phones, 3 sim cards
[ Ever get off the damn computer?] I... am... not... addicted
[ Habla Espanol? ] no
[ Go to or plan to go to college ] not really... tho I'd wanna do another MA... maybe.
[ Wear hats? ] sometimes
[ Hate yourself? ] sometimes. Not so often these days tho.
[ Have an obsession? ] Yes! squiZZpet®!
And all of these.
[ Collect anything? ] cows and horses and unusual soft toys. Well I used to. Not anymore cuz no room. So only collect Gothic churches now.
[ Have a best friend? ] BML Me
[ Close friends? ] yes
[ Like your handwriting? ] sometimes
[ Care about looks? ] sometimes
[ Gotten a speeding ticket? ] No! Was caught a few times, but always got away with it. Aah I have a way with policemen
[ DUI? ] (drunk driving apparently) Sometimes
[ Been in a wreck? ] no. few minor accidents, but wouldn't call that a wreck
[ Been arrested? ] no
[ Been in a fist fight? ] not since childhood
[ Kicked someone in the nuts? ] LOL no but I wish I had a few times. Must be very satisfying
[ Stolen anything? ] yeah. I was a bit of a kleptomaniac as a kid
[ Held a gun? ] not a real one
[ Drank? ] have you ever drank? What sort of verb form is that? Yes, I have drunk in my lifetime.
[ Been so drunk you couldn't remember your name? ] LOL no. I've been very drunk on a few occasions, but never that bad.
[ Considered a life of crime? ] not seriously, no
[ Considered being a hooker? ] for a while yes. Well, more of an escort.
[ Cheated on someone? ] no
[ Been married? ] no
[ Cried over a boy? ] yes (tho they're never really worth it are they)
[ Cried over a girl? ] yes
[ Lied to someone? ] yes
[ Been in love? ] not sure...
[ Fallen for your best friend? ] um... no
[ Made out with JUST a friend? ] yes... well he wasn't just a friend I guess
[ Been rejected? ] no. cuz never made a first step
[ Been in lust? ] yes, strangely enough. Rarely tho.
[ Used someone? ] not in a malicious way. I guess you always use people one way or another. Everyone does.
[ Been used? ] God yes.
[ Been cheated on? ] no
[ Been kissed? ] yes
[ Experimented with homosexuality? ] not, um, seriously
[ Mood ] I'm ok. Bit bored.
[ Music ] Faithless - One Step Too Far
[ Taste ] Starburst Sour Chews
[ Hair ] awfully annoying length
[ Annoyance ] insomnia
[ Smell ] nothing
[ Thing I ought to be doing ] ring various people about things
[ Windows open ] Winamp, 2 IE & 2 AIM windows.
[ Desktop picture ] squiZZpet®
[ Book ] Ruth Rendell, still. Strange short stories.
[ CDs in stereo ] stereo is in Brighton.. but I think it's still Titanic OST (cf flat video, hehe)
[ Crush ]
[ Favorite celeb ] MJ of course.
[ Hate ] hm... dunno.
[ Job ] "in between jobs"
[ Book you read ] before Ruth Rendell was... er... Man and Boy? Yes. Bit whingey and annoying, but I've bought the follow-up Man and Wife anyway.
[ Movie you saw ] Um... LOTR Return of the King.
[ Thing you had to drink ] water. Boring uh?
[ Thing you ate ] yoghurt. (and no spillage )
[ Person you talked to on the phone ] annoying BT woman. last "real" person squiZZ
[ Drug ] none
[ Dream ] can't remember.
[ Believe there is life on other planets? ] yes
[ Believe in miracles? ] no
[ Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? ] not sure. It's more of a chance thing I think.
[ Consider yourself tolerant of others? ] I try to. Some things tick me off tho.
[ Consider love a mistake? ] yeah. A biological mistake?
[ Believe in astrology? ] not really
[ Believe in magic? ] no
[ Believe in God? ] no
[ First crush ] around 13ish. Ah no, there was one before that, so 11.
[ First kiss ] can't remember
[ Remember your first love? ] "Love" sounds so serious... so no.
[ Still love him/her? ] n/a
[ Do you believe in love at first sight? ] no
[ Do you believe in "the one?" ] no
[ Have a secret crush? ] not really (secret, not crush)
[ Do they know yet? ] stupid question after the previous one, anyway, sorta.
I like questionnaires
LOL, too many 'dunno' in the first part
hehe @ collecting cows, interesting
LOL @ Vega, use Michelle's then cuz that's longer.
Hehe @ dunno. Well.. if I DON'T know...