Saturday January 10, 2004
So. Change of plans.
Category: Life & Me | 10 Comments | Posted 17:571. I'm keeping my Lara.
2. I'm travelling back on Sunday (maybe Saturday) instead of Friday.
3. I'll keep my Mikey here until then, so can go online Weds-Sun.
4. Isn't that exciting? (This isn't really a separate point, uh?)
So you're taking Lara to the UK? Or shall I take care of her while you're there?
And why is called no? Not "no" to me, that's my stubborn face.
LOL @ Mon. OK if you move to Lux for him.
And no cuz is shorter.
And name what?
I want the car!! And Mon gets the horsey. I decided now.
Posted by: Suha at Sun January 11, 2004 11:59